• 6 years ago
BalconyTV Barcelona

Sponsored By//

Estrella Damm

Views// Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Microphones By// Røde

SOSUN.DANCE performs the song "AMICI" for BalconyTV.

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Escoltar SOSUN.dance és com tornar enrere; als anys del Club Super 3, de l'Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros i un sentiment general d'eufòria. El duo format per Llança SOSUN i Kaguda Yura s'abraona a lletres de fantasia, construïdes sobre bases amb un 20% chiptune, 45% maquiner i 35% J-Pop. A cavall entre la performance i un concert, SOSUN.dance us arrancaran una rialla i més d'un ball.

To listen to SOSUN.dance is like time-traveling to the years of Club Super 3, early Street Fighter video games, Super Mario Bros and to experience a general sense of euphoria. This duo embraces fantasy lyrics, built on bases with a 20% chiptune, 45% 90’s electronic music and 34% J-Pop. Somewhere in between a performance and a concert, SOSUN.dance will make you smile and surely, dance.



Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound

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