C major scale Open position or Pattern #1 of The Cage system

  • 16 years ago
This is the C Major scale showing the Open position or Low or Pattern #1. There are 4 more postions together 5the five make up the Cage system. You should lean and master each individual position "5 of them". Try to play each position none stop for 1 minute, then next week or so increase to 2 minutes. It is my suggestion, depend on your fingers, arm strengh, you may do more or less. My point is try to increase as you get better. We are here to teach guitar lessons, not showing how cool or good we are. Matter fact we are not that good as far as performe, especially in front of a video camera. There are many or ther players way way better than us. All videos are just for encourage beginners, they are not for training. We has been recognize for Best with Flash CS3 format lesson which video lessons can not perform or capable to do so, such as note by note with real time tempo setting. You do not need re-load or re-start lesson from begining. Try it and see.

