”That Song Again 又聽到那首歌” 中文的單名 “滄” 歷盡滄桑的滄
歌曲的主角是一位在感情上歷盡滄桑的女子 因為過去的種種 她早已放棄找尋所謂的”真愛”, 但是工作上 她還是需要 強顏歡笑逢場作戲
有一天 她在跟一位男伴跳舞的時候 聽到了那首歌 那一首熟悉又悲傷的情歌 讓她想起過去曾經屬於她 一段純真的感情 一時之間 她有一點無法承受 想衝出舞池 離開人群
但是 她終就壓抑著情緒 表面上繼續談笑風生 依舊翩然起舞 一點都沒有讓人看出來有什麼異樣 因為…這些她都經歷過太多次 也麻木了
面對著眼前心儀的男伴 她只能對著流星許願 但她也知道不會有什麼結果 她唯一能希望的 就是讓他們兩人再多跳一支舞 假裝像一對戀人一樣 一起共渡一個夜晚
雖然她知道這是錯的 是永遠不會有結果的
但 這也是她唯一 可以希望的了
又聽到了那首歌 又是那個讓她心碎的時刻 但她永遠都可以很快的整理情緒 配合演出 因為 她什麼都經歷過了
《That Song Again》
KKBOX: https://goo.gl/m1GJZ3
MyMusic: https://goo.gl/qvZcRa
friDay音樂: https://goo.gl/m7dyhu
It’s that song again
A sad melody
You’ve been here before
Hard to take it no more
It’s that time again
and you want to leave
Still you dance across the floor
‘cause you’ve been thru it all
You wish upon a shooting star
but you know it wouldn’t get too far
One more dance is all you can hope for
Pretending lovers just for one more song
You wish upon a shooting star
and you never worry where you are
One more night is all you can ask for
Sharing a love that you know is wrong
It’s that dance again
A sad memory
You’ve been here before
Don’t want to take it no more
You wish upon a shooting star
But you know it wouldn’t get too far
One more dance is all you can hope for
Pretending lovers just for one more song
You wish upon a shooting star
and you never worry where you are
One more night is all you can ask for
Sharing a love that you know is wrong
It’s that song again
A sad melody
You’ve been here before
Hard to take it no more
It’s that time again
and you want to leave
Still you dance across the floor
‘cause you’ve been thru it all
You’d play along
‘cause you’ve been thru it all
歌曲的主角是一位在感情上歷盡滄桑的女子 因為過去的種種 她早已放棄找尋所謂的”真愛”, 但是工作上 她還是需要 強顏歡笑逢場作戲
有一天 她在跟一位男伴跳舞的時候 聽到了那首歌 那一首熟悉又悲傷的情歌 讓她想起過去曾經屬於她 一段純真的感情 一時之間 她有一點無法承受 想衝出舞池 離開人群
但是 她終就壓抑著情緒 表面上繼續談笑風生 依舊翩然起舞 一點都沒有讓人看出來有什麼異樣 因為…這些她都經歷過太多次 也麻木了
面對著眼前心儀的男伴 她只能對著流星許願 但她也知道不會有什麼結果 她唯一能希望的 就是讓他們兩人再多跳一支舞 假裝像一對戀人一樣 一起共渡一個夜晚
雖然她知道這是錯的 是永遠不會有結果的
但 這也是她唯一 可以希望的了
又聽到了那首歌 又是那個讓她心碎的時刻 但她永遠都可以很快的整理情緒 配合演出 因為 她什麼都經歷過了
《That Song Again》
KKBOX: https://goo.gl/m1GJZ3
MyMusic: https://goo.gl/qvZcRa
friDay音樂: https://goo.gl/m7dyhu
It’s that song again
A sad melody
You’ve been here before
Hard to take it no more
It’s that time again
and you want to leave
Still you dance across the floor
‘cause you’ve been thru it all
You wish upon a shooting star
but you know it wouldn’t get too far
One more dance is all you can hope for
Pretending lovers just for one more song
You wish upon a shooting star
and you never worry where you are
One more night is all you can ask for
Sharing a love that you know is wrong
It’s that dance again
A sad memory
You’ve been here before
Don’t want to take it no more
You wish upon a shooting star
But you know it wouldn’t get too far
One more dance is all you can hope for
Pretending lovers just for one more song
You wish upon a shooting star
and you never worry where you are
One more night is all you can ask for
Sharing a love that you know is wrong
It’s that song again
A sad melody
You’ve been here before
Hard to take it no more
It’s that time again
and you want to leave
Still you dance across the floor
‘cause you’ve been thru it all
You’d play along
‘cause you’ve been thru it all