Colder air moving into Korea _ 112318

  • 6 years ago
Good morning, we are dealing with temperatures more typical of December than November.
Most parts of the nation were below freezing to start the day... Seoul registered the lowest temperature of the season at -3.1 degrees,... and daily highs will also be a couple of notches lower than yesterday in most parts... so wearing extra layers is essential.

We are in for plenty of sunshine but the air is also getting drier each day. In fact dry weather advisories are in place for some areas including Daegu and Busan.

Sunny and dry conditions with the wintrey chill are expected to last all throughout the day. Temperatures will range between 6 and 13 degrees Celsius this afternoon.

Seoul may see its first snow of the season on Saturday... between dawn and noon, but thankfully we could enjoy a final stretch late autumn weather next week .

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.
