• 7 years ago
통일부 "남북미간 협의 보고 철도•도로 일정 잡을 것"... 조명균 "북한, 비핵화 진전없이 경제발전 안되"

The nation's unification ministry will try to arrange schedules related to railways and roads... after seeing how the discussions go among the two Koreas and the U.S.
Seoul and Pyeongyang originally planned to hold a groundbreaking ceremony late this month or early next month... after jointly checking the eastern and western railways and roads.
But it seems South Korea decided to take it slower on cross-border economic cooperation... so that it goes hand-in-hand with the denuclearization process.
Meanwhile, Seoul's unification minister Cho Myoung-gyon... highlighted at a forum on the same day... that North Korea cannot achieve the level of economic development it wants without making progress on denuclearization,... adding the South has clarified that fact in every instance of inter-Korean dialogue.


