Conecta tu Celular a tu Televisor SIN CABLES!! ...Los 7 mitos del Chromecast.

  • hace 6 años
Conecta tu celular a tu Televisor sin usar cables!! ...Por que debido a la gran cantidad de preguntas que me hicieron, les contesto derribando los 7 mitos del Chromecast que me pediste en los comentarios que probara, no te lo pierdas!!
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Para Perú:

Para el mundo:
(PD: estos son clones, pero funcionan muy bien)
00:08How about friends, how are you?
00:09I wanted to thank you very much
00:10the large number of visits,
00:12who are having my last videos
00:14that I leave in suggestions
00:15but also, I have read many doubts
00:17with respect to the Chromecast.
00:19That's why, in this tutorial
00:20I'm going to make
00:22all the tests that they asked me in the comments
00:25and above all the most asked question
00:27Chromecast only works with WiFi?
00:30Can the Chromecast work with my data plan?
00:33Stay with me and see for yourself.
00:35Apart from my Chromecast, I have another
00:38I'm going to draw among all my subscribers
00:41If you still are not, subscribe now to my channel!!
00:43Like the video and Share it on your social networks
00:45I will review this information
00:47and I will make this award reach its winner
00:49wherever you are.
00:56The price of the Chromecast,
00:57depends on the economy of each country
00:59here in Peru to date, October 2018
01:01it costs between 150 to 170 soles
01:03but do not pay more than that
01:05because I've seen very abusive publications
01:07it's a bit difficult to find it in a physical store
01:09Usually, it is purchased by Internet pages
01:12like: Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress
01:14that's why, below in the description of the video
01:17I leave you some links where you can also buy it.
01:20For this quite frequent question
01:21the answer is: NO!!
01:23your TV does not need any special feature
01:27but for you to see it,
01:28I'll explain the connection scheme of the Chromecast
01:31To be able to see our content on our television
01:34the cell phone transmits only to the Chromecast
01:36because they are on the same WiFi network
01:38they do not transmit anything to the TV
01:40that is why,
01:41it is not necessary for the TV to be a Smart TV
01:44the Chromecast is the one that does the magic,
01:46because it processes and converts videos, images and sounds
01:49that come from your cell phone
01:50and deliver them to the TV
01:51already converted to standard HDMI format
01:54through this cable
01:55just like a Blu Ray or a Playstation,
01:58this other cable
01:59it's just to power the Chromecast
02:02since it has no internal battery
02:04I use a free USB port on my TV,
02:06but I could still use a common cell phone charger.
02:10This, more than a question
02:11It was an educated claim of some people
02:13Why do I have to spend on buying a device?
02:16Yes with my smartphone and an App
02:18I can stream content to my Smart TV
02:20I never said that you could not do that
02:22but in this way, it had two limitations
02:25The first is that the television
02:27It must be a SmarT TV
02:30and the second,
02:31is that I can only transmit it to that SmarT TV
02:35However, the Chromecast does not depend on the SmarTV
02:38since we can connect it
02:39to any device that has HDMI input
02:42like a projector
02:43and enjoy our content in a big way.
02:47We can transmit from our cell phone
02:49to different types of screen with HDMI input
02:51Projectors, Monitors and any Television
02:55whether or not it is Smart TV
02:57and that, not a simple application.
03:01Some people criticized me
03:02to put in the title of the video: connection "WITHOUT CABLES"
03:05I think these people
03:06they had not seen, one of my previous videos
03:09where I explain how to connect the cell phone to the TV
03:11using an MHL cable
03:13where "YES" I really use a connection cable
03:16this method worked well
03:18but it forced me to have always connected
03:20cell phone and TV using this cable,
03:22without being able to use it for anything else
03:25Until one day ...
03:29My little Rick, it caused an accident.
03:35When I said: "WITHOUT CABLES"
03:36I wanted to say that I could transmit
03:38from my cell phone, to my TV
03:41without any physical connection, or cables that hinder
03:44So, I can leave my cell phone
03:46anywhere in my house and just enjoy.
03:50Let's go to the most frequent question that I have been asked in the comments
03:53Chromecast only works with WiFi?
03:55or can it work with my data plan?
03:58in these tests that I did, you will see it.
04:00First of all and not to cheat
04:03I'm going to unplug and turn off my WiFi modem
04:06to only use my cell phone data
04:10then I will use a cell phone that has a data plan,
04:12preferably unlimited
04:14and I'll configure it as "Network Anchor"
04:16or also called "WiFi Zone"
04:18And also, I'll give him a name that's easy to recognize my new network
04:21with my network anchor already configured
04:24I just have to turn on my data
04:25and activate the "WiFi Zone" option
04:27note that my WiFi connection is off,
04:29because I'm going to share the Internet from my data plan
04:33Observe, how to turn off my modem
04:35the Chromecast no longer finds my WiFi network
04:37and it asks me to connect to a new network.
04:41Finally, using any cell phone
04:43and the Google Home application
04:44we set up and add the Chromecast
04:46to the new network created with my data.
04:48The configuration steps
04:49they are almost the same
04:50that I explained to you in my previous tutorial
04:52but you can go pausing the video to see them in detail
04:55Keep in mind, that to connect the Chromecast
04:57your cell will detect and show
04:59a list of available networks
05:01from which you must choose
05:02the WiFi network created with your data
05:06watch as the Chromecast
05:07is connecting to the network anchor
05:09called HUAWEI_Javi
05:15Once connected
05:16the Chromecast will confirm us
05:18showing us a wallpaper on TV
05:21Now, we can transmit our content
05:24from our cell phone, to our television
05:28using our data plan
05:30Conclusion: It is perfectly possible friends!!
05:37Here I have, 3 cell phones of different brands
05:40and as you can see,
05:42we can transmit from any of them
05:45but yes, only one at a time.
05:52Once we are already connected and playing
05:54we can turn off the cell phone screen
05:56check our social networks
05:58and receive and answer calls
06:00without interrupting the transmission.
06:03Even, we can receive video calls
06:06and from this, how to make small video conferences
06:09from our own television.
06:13I'm going to duplicate the screen
06:14to try the videogame PUBG
06:16with the Chromecast
06:17wirelessly and see how it goes
06:24"without cables"
06:28After playing
06:29a couple of test games in PUBG mobile
06:31I can say that fluency has not disappointed me
06:33for each game of about 20 minutes
06:36I have suffered about five or six lag
06:38but these have been very small
06:39and I think they are due to the speed of my WiFi network
06:42but, IF you can play.
06:43Perhaps its point against, is the resolution
06:45since it is not the same on the TV screen
06:47because on the mobile it looks better.
06:52And good friends
06:53perform all the tests, which you asked me in the comments
06:55If you liked the video, give me a Like
06:57and Subscribe to my channel
06:59but above all Share it on your social networks
07:01Remember that there are still millions of people
07:03who do not know these topics
07:04Help me...
