This is the seventh of 9 parts to the commercial breaks from 10/14/97 on Nickelodeon. These were found on the "Rescures Down Under" tape I purchased at the Salvation Army store a while back. Sorry for the crappy quality, made the best of what ti was thanks to tracking controls. This commercial break took place between Ahhh! Real Monsters! and Doug.
1. Ahhh! Real Monsters credits (partial w/ Stick Stickly voiceover promo)
2. "Stump Stick!" - "What's the difference between a fish and a piano?"
3. Stick Looks at Pics from in SPACE!!!!
4. Shelby Woo promo
5. Star Wars Lightsabers toy ad
6. Razzle Dazzle Rice Krispies ad
7. Barbie Motorhome ad
8. BK Kid's Club Halloween ad
9. Trouble game ad
10. Nick's Big Help-a-Thon promo (Don't miss it!)
11. Doug is Next on NITAN! ID
12. Black screen for some reason.... I must not have edited this one right... Whoops! :-)
That's it for this part. Stay tuned for more coming soon!
1. Ahhh! Real Monsters credits (partial w/ Stick Stickly voiceover promo)
2. "Stump Stick!" - "What's the difference between a fish and a piano?"
3. Stick Looks at Pics from in SPACE!!!!
4. Shelby Woo promo
5. Star Wars Lightsabers toy ad
6. Razzle Dazzle Rice Krispies ad
7. Barbie Motorhome ad
8. BK Kid's Club Halloween ad
9. Trouble game ad
10. Nick's Big Help-a-Thon promo (Don't miss it!)
11. Doug is Next on NITAN! ID
12. Black screen for some reason.... I must not have edited this one right... Whoops! :-)
That's it for this part. Stay tuned for more coming soon!