People completely disobeyed Indian_Supreme_Court's direct order of limited time to burst firecrackers between 8P.M-11P.M

  • 6 years ago
I'm not really the sn!t¢h kind, but i'm gonna sn!t¢h this time for GOOD. People completely disobeyed #Indian_Supreme_Court's direct order of limited time to burst firecrackers between 8P.M-11P.M, This is the situation of yesterday after 12AM(technically today morning) at #Baruipur, #WestBengal, #India with people still using firecrackers and also bursting high decibel #chocolatebombs ,firecrackers. and #Baruipur_Police did nothing to stop it.
Same situation today right now, Illegal high decibel Chocolatebomb burst continues & parents are helping their kids to burst them. Feeling no difference between Iraqi or Palestine battlefield and my locality.
