How To Impress A Lady

  • 16 years ago In this video, you will learn secrets that most men will never know how to impress a woman. Watch this video now and discover some amazing tips on girls pickup that will help you become more successful with impressing women.

Men are still faced with the age old question; what do women really want? It seems like all of the rules are changing. Political correctness is everywhere. Does it mean that women don't want men to be men? Does it mean that everyone should be the same? No! Equal but different is the real way REAL women want to be viewed.

Writing as a wife, mom, and career woman, I want men to know how to really impress real women. I want my son to know how to do this when he comes of age. Real women want to be loved, protected, respected, romanced, and desired. We want men to love us for who we are, not for what the fashion magazines say we should be.

So, how do you guys impress a real woman? Treat her like a woman! Tell her how wonderful she looks. Talk to her as if she were an equal. Value her opinions. Compliment her on her figure.