• 7 years ago
Two of my Ayam Cemani roosters fighting for dominance. Quick side-note; Neither of these birds meet the standard of perfection for Ayam Cemani, but one is obviously much closer to it than the other. They have had previous altercations but not much more than intimidation and a peck to the back of the neck. The hens had started laying eggs last week and things were getting a little more hectic.

On this day the Beta male decided he wanted to rise to Alpha position. Dominik, the Alpha and better looking bird, was simply not going to allow it. At the same time, Chubby Hubby, the beta male with very red comb and wattle, was going to die trying. He would submit, run away, but then attack Dominik again. I couldn't risk any harm coming to Dominik, and I did not want Chubby Hubby to die a tragic and violent death, so I eventually broke up the fight and permanently separated them.


