Elizabeth Warren To ‘Take A Hard Look At Running For President’ In 2020

  • 6 years ago
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has told a crowd that, after the midterm elections are over, she “will take a hard look at running for president.”

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has told a crowd that, after the midterm elections are over, she "will take a hard look at running for president," reports USA Today. 
She made the comment during a town hall event in her home state Saturday, saying: "It is time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government and that includes a woman at the top." 
She then said: "So here's what I promise: after November 6th, I will take a hard look at running for President." 
According to the Boston Herald, Warren indicated that her declaration about 2020 was prompted, at least in part, by the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who is being accused of sexual assaulting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford while they were in high school.
The Senator said: "I watched as Brett Kavanaugh acted like he was entitled to that position and angry at anyone who would question him. I watched powerful men helping a powerful man make it to an even more powerful position. I watched that and I thought 'time's up.'" 
A video of the event on Twitter shows Warren receiving a standing ovation after she declared her possible bid for the White House. 
The New York Times has since called her "a formidable contender for the Democratic nomination," citing her "muscular message of economic populism, and...intensely personal connection with the urgent feminism of the Trump era." 
She is expected to easily keep her Senate seat in November.
