A Sneak Peak into Jose Pineiro’s Personal and Professional Life

  • 6 years ago
Jose Pineiro was born in Moaña in a small fishing village near Vigo. He was born in a middle-class family. Since his childhood, he was fond of representation and associationism. When he was 14, he was the leader of the Catholic Action group and was the head of Valillas. After his graduation, he ended up in some administrative work & military service. He moved to Montevideo, where he married and eventually occupied the management of the Ford Company. For many years, he has been the President of different associations of older people. He has been involved in the existing associative movement of that time that presided over ASOGAPEN. In addition to this, has also been the President FEAMPO, CO.GA.MA., and is a substitute member in the state council of older persons, based in Madrid.
