꼬마친구들과 영어로 불러보는 쓱싹 청소송!
신나는 노래와 함께 오늘은 친구들도 깨끗하게 청소를 해봐요~♬
[Clean up Time]
Over here over there to the right to the left
We are having so much fun Oh! so much fun!
Over here over there to the right to the left
I love playing everywhere Oh! everywhere!
Here there everywhere dirty everywhere
Up there down here, start cleaning everywhere
Pick it up then put it back to where it belongs
All your books and all your toys to where it belongs
Here there everywhere shiny everywhere
Up there down here so clean everywhere
Now we know how to clean shiny and nice
Neat and tidy everywhere
This is so much fun
Stretch your head to the right
Stretch your head to the left
Stretch your arms, stretch, stretch, stretch all the way
Stretch your legs, stretch, stretch
Roll your hips, roll
I love my room so clean
Shine here shine there Sparkling everywhere
Clean here clean there Neat and tidy everywhere
Hey ho, Hey ho! Hey ho, Hey ho!
Here we go, let’s go one more time
Shine here shine there Sparkling everywhere
Clean here clean there Neat and tidy everywhere
Hey ho, Hey ho! Hey ho, Hey ho!
Here we go, let’s go everyone shiny house
[ 유튜브 공식 채널 ]
▶ 캐리와장난감친구들 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤플레이 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤북스 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤잉글리시 유튜브채널
▶ 엘리가간다 유튜브채널
▶ 엘리앤 투어_'엘리가 간다' 네이버 TV
[ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 SNS ]
▶ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/CarrieAndFriends/
▶ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/carrie_and_friends/
▶ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 카카오스토리 채널 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/toyfriends/
신나는 노래와 함께 오늘은 친구들도 깨끗하게 청소를 해봐요~♬
[Clean up Time]
Over here over there to the right to the left
We are having so much fun Oh! so much fun!
Over here over there to the right to the left
I love playing everywhere Oh! everywhere!
Here there everywhere dirty everywhere
Up there down here, start cleaning everywhere
Pick it up then put it back to where it belongs
All your books and all your toys to where it belongs
Here there everywhere shiny everywhere
Up there down here so clean everywhere
Now we know how to clean shiny and nice
Neat and tidy everywhere
This is so much fun
Stretch your head to the right
Stretch your head to the left
Stretch your arms, stretch, stretch, stretch all the way
Stretch your legs, stretch, stretch
Roll your hips, roll
I love my room so clean
Shine here shine there Sparkling everywhere
Clean here clean there Neat and tidy everywhere
Hey ho, Hey ho! Hey ho, Hey ho!
Here we go, let’s go one more time
Shine here shine there Sparkling everywhere
Clean here clean there Neat and tidy everywhere
Hey ho, Hey ho! Hey ho, Hey ho!
Here we go, let’s go everyone shiny house
[ 유튜브 공식 채널 ]
▶ 캐리와장난감친구들 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤플레이 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤북스 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤잉글리시 유튜브채널
▶ 엘리가간다 유튜브채널
▶ 엘리앤 투어_'엘리가 간다' 네이버 TV
[ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 SNS ]
▶ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/CarrieAndFriends/
▶ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/carrie_and_friends/
▶ 캐리앤프렌즈 공식 카카오스토리 채널 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/toyfriends/