Global Resorts Network vs. Passport to Wealth

  • 16 years ago
There are plenty of Internet marketing programs out there for the savvy entrepreneur. Many don’t have the substance to deliver what they promise prospective affiliates. Take the Passport to Wealth (sometimes referred to as passporttowealth), for example. This relative newcomer to the Internet marketing field includes a 2-up compensation plan that means Passport to Wealth ( passporttowealth ) only allows you to profit off of the first two sales of every person you recruit. If you don’t continue to bring recruits into the Passport to Wealth ( passporttowealth ) program, your income will dry up pretty fast. The other issue with Passport to Wealth ( passporttowealth ) is that they don’t have a worthwhile product to sell. Instead, you offer second-rate marketing software, self-help e-books, and free audio software that you can find elsewhere on the internet to potential buyers. Who wants that? Most experienced marketers know if you don’t have quality products to offer – and Passport to Wealth doesn’t – you won’t stay in business very long. Perhaps that is why you find many have left Passport to Wealth and joined Global Resorts Network. The program that Passport to Wealth ( passporttowealth ) offers just doesn’t hold much water, and the folks who sign on for Passport to Wealth ( passporttowealth ) get all washed up. Now let’s take a look at an alternative to Passport to Wealth ( passporttowealth ), Global Resorts Network. Just exactly how does Global Resorts Network stack up to Passport to Wealth? Let’s take a look at our criteria listed above to see which program is the better deal. First, you are reaping the profits from sales that you are making and from the sales that your recruits into the Global Resorts Network are making. The potential for profits is nearly limitless. This is very different from the Passport to Wealth (passporttowealth) program that limits how many times (twice) that you can profit from each of your recruits. The second, and biggest, difference between Global ...
