Best seller Sell Your Ideas With or Without A Patent Full

  • 6 years ago
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Think you need a patent? Think again. Many of the products Stephen Key has licensed required no intellectual property protection whatsoever, yet have made millions in royalties. But Key also knows what it takes to protect a big idea. Years ago, after reading about how medication bottles rarely contain enough space for the information that needs to be printed on them, he was inspired to develop an innovative label technology. The Spinformation rotating label has been licensed on products the world over, is protected by 20 U.S. and international patents, and has received more than 13 industry awards. To put it simply: Key knows how to use intellectual property to profit. This book will teach you how to: Get a licensing contract with or without intellectual property Write a provisional patent application that stops others from stealing your idea Find and hire a killer patent attorney (they are not all created equal!) Save thousands of dollars on legal expenses File patents that have true value Negotiate a win-win agreement It also details Stephen s experience defending his patents in Federal Court-a David versus Goliath saga he has never before written about at length-as well as provides tips about how to avoid a licensing contract from going bad."
