S. Korean trade minister leaves for North America to counter protectionism

  • 6 years ago
김현종 본부장, 미국, 캐나다, 멕시코 방문…통상현안 논의

Seoul's trade minister is on a trip to three countries -- Canada, the U.S. and Mexico -- as part of efforts to counter the Trump Administration's growing protectionism policies.
Kim Hyun-jong will meet with Canada's foreign, Chrystia Freeland, on Tuesday, local time..., to discuss joint strategies to respond to America's probe into auto import tariffs.
Travelling to the states on Wednesday, along with a South Korean delegation, he will attend a series of meetings with government officials and lawmakers there.
The minister is expected to emphasize that the revised FTA between the two nations already reflects Washington's interests in automobiles and that Korean companies are contributing to the U.S. economy through investment.

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