Singapore Lecture live coverage opening

  • 6 years ago
So in just a moment, President Moon Jae-in will give a lecture titled.... "Republic of Korea and Asean: Partners for Achieving Peace and Co-prosperity in East Asia"..... as part of a series of Singapore Lectures delivered by world leaders on current affairs.
This special lecture for Singapore's top opinion leaders... will provide an insight on on South Korea's efforts to denuclearize North Korea and establish lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula... amid recent developments surrounding North Korea.
The Singapore Lecture is one of the intellectual highlights of Singapore.... which gives an opportunity for distinguished statesmen and leaders to reach a wider audience in the country.. and for the audience to hear from leading world figures speak on topics of global and regional interest.
Mr.Moon's trip to Singapore follows his two historic summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, held on April 27th and May 26th, as well as the meeting between Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump in Singapore on June 12th.
According to the Blue House... during the lecture.... the president will be explaining Seoul's vision and policy for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.... and also his New Southern Policy that aims to upgrade South Korea's cooperation with ASEAN member nations.
And with that,.... let's take a listen to President Moon's Singpore Lecture.