The Complete Guide to Subchapter S-Corporations Full Book

  • 6 years ago
The Complete Guide to Subchapter S-Corporations

When I was in college, I worked for a Certified Public Accountant. I would go into his office a few days a week, and I did data entry. The bookkeeper would give me checks that were coded, and journal entries to make and I would enter these transactions into accounting software. When the transactions were entered, I would run reports and give them to the CPA. The CPA?s office intimidated me. It was full of no less than 100 clocks that would tick?tick?tick. The clocks were set for different times. I never knew the significance of the differences in time. My best guess was that he set them for different times so they wouldn?t all chime at once. One day a client called the office, and asked to speak to the CPA. I placed the caller on hold and went to the CPA?s office. The CPA?s back was turned to me, and he was working on his computer. He could barely see and I think might have been legally blind, so he was sitting scrunched up to the computer screen. As I made my way to his desk the

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