Furniture Moving Is Super Important for Carpet but Not So Great for Your Back...Capell Flooring

  • 6 years ago
Hi, Matt Capell here. Hope you're having a wonderful day today. Hey, I got a quick tip that'll help your carpet to last a lot, lot longer, that sometimes we forget about.

So furniture. It's best with your furniture in your house. See for example my house, my wife Patty, she really likes to reconfigure, move things around. I'll come home, it's like a new house, right? She moves it, and she does that because she likes to do things and change it up.

However, that does one thing for our carpet, which is nice. It means we're not hitting the same traffic all the time. I've mentioned this before in other videos, but it's like if you have a spot on your backyard where you walk this path, or say you walk along a ditch or something, all that grass is going to die because it's just hitting the same area over and over and over.

So in the case of carpet and furniture, it's best to move your furniture periodically and create a different walk-path. Move your bed to a different side so you're hitting a different pathway. Move that couch. And I know a lot of people say, "Well Matt, hey I can only have my furniture in a certain way" and that's true, but you can also move your couch maybe even a foot a direction or that, that helps a little bit. It makes so that way you're not just hitting the same area and causing your carpet to lay down and look bad.

So my tip for you today, is to please move your furniture periodically. It'll make for your carpet to last a whole long time, and look so much better.

If you have any questions, be sure to comment, like, share this below. Thank you again so much for taking time to listen, and I appreciate you. Thanks again!

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