• 7 years ago
We know it's pretty, but what does GOLD really do for your SKIN?? Our Korean skincare adventure continues with this 24k Gold INFUSED facial mask. Celebs swear by it – now Joslyn’s face gets to experience this brightening, tightening treatment!

Watch Pt 1 - The 10 Step Korean Facial! ►►

Pop up, it’s showtime (showtime), showtime (showtime), guess who’s back at Tikkun Holistic Spa again??

There’s lots of 24 Karat Magic in the air here tonight – after attempting an at-home gold mask on Beauty Break (spoiler alert: it didn’t go so well) Joslyn gets a PROFESSIONAL gold facial. We love a Beauty Trippin redemption!!

This K-Beauty treatment use gold leaves, gold serum, and a 24K gold face mask with health & anti-aging benefits that leaves skin purified, cleansed, and (as Bruno Mars would also say) smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.

Shout-out to Jackie, Grace, and the Tikkun Spa for this experience!! ►►
Tikkun Spa
Tikkun Skincare

Check out Karen's if you want amazing skin like Grace! ►►

Follow our Korean Beauty journey so far…
First Time at Korean Spa
At-Home Korean Skincare

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