• 7 years ago
LAKE ABAYA, ETHIOPIA — A Protestant pastor unfortunately on his way to meet up with God after he had a run in with a crocodile during a lake baptism in southern Ethiopia.
According to the BBC, Docho Eshete was performing the ceremony for around 80 people at Lake Abaya in Arba Minch on Sunday morning.

The pastor had just finished baptizing the first person, and was about to move onto the second, when the croc suddenly leapt out of the water and attacked Eshete.
Fisherman and residents frantically tried to save the pastor.

But In the end, the pastor went up to the pearly gates after being bitten on his legs, back and hands.

Locals were able to save Eshete's body from being taken by the crocodile, but were unable to catch the croc.


