Daredevil slides down roof of 70ft high building

  • 5 years ago
Nail-biting footage shows a daredevil reveller sliding down the slippery roof of a 70ft building - while his mates egg him on. The 'drunk' lad, thought to be in his twenties, is seen navigating the five-storey block of flats after apparently being 'dared' to touch a window. After scaling the roof terrace barrier, the youngster - who has nothing but a flimsy wire fence to steady himself - sits and slides to the bottom of the slope. The panic-inducing clip then shows him scrambling to rejoin his friends and balancing on a tiny window ledge to stop him tumbling to the concrete below. At one point his pals - standing safely at the top of the slanted metal roof - appear to panic and throw him a piece of fabric. Mark Elms, 27, filmed the man's antics on his mobile after spotting them through his living room window in Manchester's Northern Quarter at around 9am on Saturday.