Sisterhood Of Nuns Who Ran A Care Home For More Than 150 Years Have Had To Move On

  • 5 years ago
The Little Sisters of the Poor started looking after vulnerable people in Dundee in 1863 after four sisters and two novices travelled over from France. But after 152 years service, the seven remaining sisters - who are in their 70s - are moving on due to their age and a lack of young nuns willing to join their order. While they relocate to Catholic homes around the UK, the local diocese will take on the home and look after the remaining residents. Sister Joseph, the Mother Provincial for The Little Sisters of the Poor, said that moving the sisters out of the home has been the hardest thing she has ever done. She said: "There are about seven sisters left at the moment and we all expect to move out by the end of the week. "The sisters have been here for 152 years and started out with very little but somehow managed to flourish over time. "Moving the sisters out of the home is the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. I don't want to do it again. "The decision to leave Wellburn after 152 years, as you may imagine, was a very painful one for us, but with the decline of vocations and other major factors we felt after much prayer and reflection that this was the hard decision we had to make.