• 7 years ago
Passed | 1h 3min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 10 July 1935 (USA)

A wealthy man relates how gambling had tragic consequences for his family.

Director: Phil Rosen

Writers: Edgar Wallace, E. Morton Hough

Stars: Onslow Stevens, H.B. Warner, Maxine Doyle
00:10:40Keep your eye on that guy.
00:11:00All bets down, here we go.
00:11:20Better keep your fingers crossed, Mr. Scoville.
00:11:22I feel hot enough firecrackers tonight.
00:11:24You just watch that 26 black.
00:11:26Say 26 black.
00:11:28That's my number, little old 26 black.
00:11:31What did I tell you, Mr. Scoville?
00:11:33I got a hunch I'm going to walk home
00:11:35pushing my win into the wheelbarrow.
00:11:37Well, you make yourself at home,
00:11:38and I'll go get you a wheelbarrow.
00:11:41Mr. Kendrick.
00:11:42Could I speak to you a minute before you get started?
00:11:44What do you mean before you get started?
00:11:46I am started.
00:11:47Well, you didn't understand me out at the ranch.
00:11:49I mean about a colt from your stallion.
00:11:51Now, you listen to me, young fella.
00:11:53I'm telling you for the last time.
00:11:55If the sovereign sires any colts,
00:11:57they're going to be my colts out of my own stock.
00:12:00And another thing.
00:12:01Say 26 black.
00:12:02That's my number, little old 26 black.
00:12:04Sorry, Mr. Kendrick.
00:12:05You didn't have a bet up that time.
00:12:08By golly, I did.
00:12:10That's your fault, you young whippersnapper.
00:12:12If you didn't stand there blabbing your big mouth,
00:12:15I got an ocean to take you apart right now.
00:12:17What's the trouble, Mr. Kendrick?
00:12:18What's the trouble?
00:12:19You know what he just done?
00:12:21Get out of here.
00:12:22Beat it before I lose my temper.
00:12:23You better leave, Roger.
00:12:24Just a minute.
00:12:25I said you better leave, Rogers.
00:12:26I said I'm not leaving until I get something better.
00:12:28You're dead.
00:12:29I came a long way.
00:12:30Oh, Rogers is leaving.
00:12:32You heard what Mr. Scoville said, didn't you?
00:12:34We're going outside, chum.
00:12:35Let's go.
00:12:37I'm sorry, Mr. Kendrick.
00:12:42If you don't mind, I'll go out on my own steam.
00:13:25Oh, lady.
00:13:30The lady looks like we got in her own town.
00:13:32Oh, lady, the lady looks like we got in her own town.
00:13:53I am the rancho grande, allá donde vivía.
00:14:01Hay una rancherita que alegre me decía, que alegre me decía.
00:14:08Te voy a hacer tus cartones, como los use el ranchero.
00:14:15Te los comienzo de landa, te los acabo de cuero.
00:14:21Oh, I love to roam out yonder, out where the buffalo wander.
00:14:30Free as the eagle flying, I'm roping and I'm tying.
00:14:35I'm roping and I'm tying.
00:14:40Give me my ranch and my cattle, far from the great city's rattle.
00:14:50Give me a big herd to battle, for I just love herding cattle.
00:15:02I am the rancho grande, allá donde vivía.
00:15:10Hay una rancherita que alegre me decía, que alegre me decía.
00:15:20Give me my ranch and my cattle, far from the great city's rattle.
00:15:29I am the rancho grande, allá donde vivía.
00:15:36I am the rancho grande, allá donde vivía.
00:15:43I am the rancho grande, allá donde vivía.
00:15:51There he goes again. I wonder what's ailing that critter.
00:15:55Must be a coyote out there.
00:16:02What's the matter with you? Quiet down! Yeah! Cut it out!
00:16:20Must have headed back to the ranch.
00:17:20What in tarnation? Well, you don't have to tear the house down.
00:17:50What do you mean, waking me up in the middle of the night?
00:17:53He's gone, Gabby. He's gone. He got away.
00:17:56I woke up and he wasn't there.
00:17:58What are you talking about? Who wasn't there?
00:18:00The sovereign. What?
00:18:02What's the matter?
00:18:03What's the matter?
00:18:04You dad-blasted young idiot.
00:18:07Why do you suppose I had you sleep with that animal?
00:18:09How could he get out? He snuck out.
00:18:12Well, he's liable to meet that wild black stallion.
00:18:14Better telephone the neighbors. We'll need help.
00:18:16Well, don't stand there like a wooden easel.
00:18:18Get the boys to saddle up.
00:18:20They're cuddling.
00:18:21Get me to the Scoble Ranch.
00:18:25Do you realize that I've lost the only chance I'll ever have to...
00:18:38Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'll answer.
00:18:40Hello? Yeah?
00:18:45Oh, hello, Mr. Kendrick.
00:18:48He did?
00:18:51Why, certainly. Why, you bet.
00:18:53We'll be right over to help you.
00:18:55We'll be right over.
00:18:57Let's get out of here.
00:19:03Come on.
00:19:04Come on.
00:19:05You're right.
00:19:06It's no use.
00:19:07There's no use.
00:19:08We'll be right over.
00:19:13Well, I guess we better go over and help him.
00:19:39Hey, take a look at this.
00:19:45That's him, all right.
00:19:47I wonder what's going to come.
00:19:58See anything yet, Mr. Scoville?
00:20:00I'm afraid not, Miss Kendrick.
00:20:02Well, let's get going.
00:20:04Let's go.
00:20:08We better try that other canyon.
00:20:10We'll cover more territory if we split up.
00:20:12We'll take this side of the ridge.
00:20:38Let's go.
00:21:09Let me have your glasses.
00:21:22We lost them.
00:21:24We'll pick them up again. They're headed for the valley.
00:21:26All right, let's take a look.
00:21:38Let's go.
00:22:08Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:22:38Go, go, go, go, go.
00:23:08Go, go, go, go.
00:23:38Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:23:40Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:24:06What black horses are they?
00:24:07Wild stallion.
00:24:09He's been running with a bunch in the backcountry.
00:24:11I've seen him a couple of times before.
00:24:15He's going to kill Golden Sauber.
00:24:17No, he isn't.
00:24:37Go, go, go, go, go.
00:25:37Drop that gun.
00:25:39But Miss Kendrick, I...
00:25:41Drop it.
00:25:42Susan probably found the sauber.
00:25:44Push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it.
00:25:48All right, I'll take care of it.
00:25:50I knew he'd come after us.
00:25:52I don't think he's going to settle for it.
00:25:53I'm going to go and get it.
00:25:54All right, come on.
00:25:55Hurry up.
00:25:56Hurry up.
00:25:58Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:26:00Let's go!
00:26:01Come on, hurry up!
00:26:03Come on, hurry up!
00:26:04Let's go.
00:26:08What's the matter with you?
00:26:09It's nothing.
00:26:10Why did you do it?
00:26:15I didn't shoot him, Miss Kendrick.
00:26:17I heard a shot, and as I rode in, there were three men leaving.
00:26:20As a matter of fact, we shot at each other.
00:26:32What happened, boy?
00:26:34What is it, son?
00:26:40Who did it?
00:26:52I know how you feel, Mr. Kendrick, but I...
00:26:54Shut up!
00:26:55I wouldn't be too hasty, Mr. Kendrick.
00:26:56I've known Roy a long time.
00:26:57Get away from me, Bob.
00:26:59This is one thing I can take care of myself.
00:27:02I told your daughter what happened, Mr. Kendrick.
00:27:04I know what happened.
00:27:06You wanted a colt from the sovereigns, didn't you?
00:27:09I couldn't give it to you, so you steal him.
00:27:12You steal him in the middle of the night, and you shoot him.
00:27:15Because you wanted your mare to have the sovereign's only foal.
00:27:21I ought to kill you right now.
00:27:23We'll let the law handle Mr. Rogers.
00:27:26Take him to town, boys.
00:27:40Oh, Miss Susan, I...
00:27:43Well, me and the boys have known Roy for over ten years,
00:27:46and he just ain't the kind of a guy that would shoot a horse.
00:27:49Why, all he's ever known his whole life was horses.
00:27:53And once I knock a guy spinning for mistreating stock,
00:27:57one of these days you're going to find out you were wrong and suspect me.
00:28:01Maybe so, Bob.
00:28:10Are you the defendant?
00:28:12Yes, sir.
00:28:13The complaint states that you were forcibly ejected from the Eldorado Club last night
00:28:17following an argument with Mr. Kendrick.
00:28:19Is that correct?
00:28:21Yes, sir.
00:28:22You admit trying to make a deal with Mr. Kendrick
00:28:25for his horse Golden Sovereign to sire a colt by a mare owned by yourself?
00:28:29Yes, sir. I did try to make a deal with him.
00:28:32And a few hours following the quarrel,
00:28:35Mr. Kendrick and his party found the horse Golden Sovereign dead
00:28:38where you were uncapped for the night.
00:28:40The animal had been killed by one gunshot,
00:28:43and you were found standing beside it
00:28:45with one cartridge discharged from your revolver.
00:28:48Is that true?
00:28:49Yes, sir. But I didn't shoot his horse.
00:28:51I heard his shot.
00:28:52Of course you heard his shot. His own shot.
00:28:55Just a moment, Gabby.
00:28:58I'll set trial for a week from Monday,
00:29:00and your bail will be $1,000.
00:29:02Well, I haven't got $1,000 that is in cash.
00:29:06Lock him up, Sheriff.
00:29:07Your Honor, I think I can arrange bail for the defendant.
00:29:11What do you got to do with this?
00:29:12Strictly a matter of business, Mr. Kendrick.
00:29:14Can I speak to the defendant a minute?
00:29:16Yes, go ahead.
00:29:18Lawyer, you call it.
00:29:19He ought to be thrown in jail and the key thrown away.
00:29:22Quiet, Gabby. Sit down.
00:29:24There's a sign here, and everything will be taken care of.
00:29:27Well, what is this about my outfit and stock?
00:29:30Oh, just a sort of a guarantee.
00:29:32You can't expect me to shell out $1,000 without some security.
00:29:36You want to get out of here, don't you?
00:29:38Sure, but...
00:29:39All right, then. Sign there.
00:29:48Hey, wait a minute.
00:29:54Where do you think you're going with that horse?
00:29:56What do you mean? She's my horse.
00:29:57Kind of forgetful, ain't you?
00:29:59I got $1,000 tied up in this outfit.
00:30:01What are you trying to get away with?
00:30:02I gave you a mortgage on my stuff,
00:30:04but there's nothing that says you can take possession of it.
00:30:06That's what you think.
00:30:07I'm holding it till I get my thousand,
00:30:09plus the fees for putting up the dough.
00:30:11The fee's gonna be this little mare.
00:30:14You or nobody else get this little mare.
00:30:16Don't play tough, young fella.
00:30:17The law's on my side, so beat it.
00:30:20I'll beat it, but lady here goes with me.
00:30:22Oh, no, she don't.
00:30:24Hey, what are you doing?
00:30:26Hey, let me out of here.
00:30:27Hey, help, somebody!
00:30:29Hey, let me out of here, will you?
00:30:31Let's get this sack out of here.
00:30:33There he goes! Stop him, somebody!
00:30:35Hey, help! Help!
00:30:37Hey, stop that guy!
00:31:08Oh, hello, Roger.
00:31:12Sorry we're late.
00:31:13That's all right, Bob.
00:31:14We had to watch our chance to get out of town.
00:31:16Here's some grub.
00:31:18What's going on in town?
00:31:19Well, there's a lot of hard feelings, Roy.
00:31:21I think your best bet is to stay away until things blow over.
00:31:24That is, if you want to keep this mare.
00:31:26I do.
00:31:27Has the sheriff got a posse out yet?
00:31:29Two of them.
00:31:30Wallace said he's going to get that mare if he has to trail you clear across the state.
00:31:34He'll have to trail me clear across several states.
00:31:37He's already got over $1,000 worth of my stuff.
00:31:40If he gets this little mare, he's going to have to bring me back on the end of a rope.
00:31:44Where you headed, Roy?
00:31:45Don't know exactly, Suge.
00:31:47But I'm going to put a lot of miles between me and here before daylight.
00:31:51Well, fellas, I guess I better get started.
00:31:53We got to be getting back, too, before the old man misses us.
00:31:56You're right, Suge.
00:31:57Well, so long, Roy, and good luck.
00:31:59So long, Bob.
00:32:00Thanks for everything, boys.
00:32:01Bye now.
00:32:02So long.
00:32:03So long, Roy.
00:32:20Bye now.
00:32:51That's a fine silver saddle, all right.
00:32:53There's no argument about that.
00:32:55How about it?
00:32:58Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:33:00Say, you want a sack of oats?
00:33:02Yes, sir.
00:33:03OK, one full sack of oats, a feeding of hay, that old saddle back there, and $20 cash.
00:33:09Is that a deal?
00:33:11I paid a lot of money for this saddle.
00:33:13It's the best I can do.
00:33:14Besides, I don't get much call for these fancy jobs.
00:33:17That's my offer.
00:33:18You take it or leave it.
00:33:20I'll take it.
00:33:21All right.
00:33:26Maybe you could tell me where I could get a little work around here someplace.
00:33:30This time of the year?
00:33:31Nobody hires hands in the winter.
00:33:34Especially strangers that come drifting in out of the snow.
00:33:37What do you mean by that?
00:33:39Oh, nothing.
00:33:40Only the ranchers around here got enough to do to take care of the local hands.
00:33:43You come around, I'll give you a job.
00:33:45Local hands?
00:33:46You come around the spring, maybe after the first rains, somebody might be able to use you.
00:33:51It's a long time till spring.
00:33:53No, I can only spare one feeding.
00:33:55You'll find a bale of hay open out there in the shed.
00:33:57I'll be out in a minute.
00:33:58OK, thanks.
00:34:06Oh, faithful, we rode the rain together.
00:34:16Oh, faithful, in every kind of weather,
00:34:25when your roundup days are over,
00:34:30there'll be pastures white with clover
00:34:35for you, oh, faithful pal of mine.
00:34:44Hurry up, old feller, cause the moon is yellow tonight.
00:34:53Hurry up, old feller, cause the moon is mellow and bright.
00:35:02There's a coyote howling to the moon above,
00:35:07so carry me back to the one I love.
00:35:11Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:23Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:26Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:29Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:32Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:35Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:38Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:41Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:44Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:47Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:50Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:54Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:35:57Hurry up, old feller, cause you gotta get home.
00:36:10You just lie down and make yourself at home.
00:36:27What's up?
00:36:35Somebody just closed the barn door.
00:36:37Didn't look like him.
00:36:40We better find out.
00:36:53We've been in a lot better places than this, lady.
00:36:55On the other hand, we've been in a lot worse.
00:36:58Be dry, anyway.
00:37:02Mr. Walling?
00:37:03Be with you in a minute.
00:37:06I've got a mare in full.
00:37:10Had to get her out of the rain. This looked like the only place I could find.
00:37:13Did you ask Walling?
00:37:14Who's Walling?
00:37:15This is his barn.
00:37:17Ain't I seen you somewhere before?
00:37:19Looks like the guy that shot the Kendrick Stallion.
00:37:21I didn't shoot the Kendrick Stallion.
00:37:23Your name Rogers?
00:37:25Then I wouldn't get caught in El Dorado County if I was you.
00:37:27I thought I smelled smoke.
00:37:30Who built that fire?
00:37:33Who built that fire?
00:37:35I did.
00:37:36What's the idea? You want to burn the barn down?
00:37:38Says he's just passing by. Says he's got a mare in full.
00:37:41He's named Rogers.
00:37:42The fellow that killed Golden Sovereign last summer.
00:37:44We don't want any horse killers around here.
00:37:46Now put that fire out and beat it.
00:37:48I can't leave now, Mr. Walling. I'm in a spot.
00:37:50You bet you're in a spot.
00:37:52They want you for horse killing, assault and battery, bail jumping and stealing mortgage property.
00:37:56You're a fugitive.
00:37:57And you're lucky I don't hold you for the El Dorado Sheriff. Now beat it.
00:38:00I'm not leaving.
00:38:01Not now.
00:38:02Not while it's raining.
00:38:04I'll be glad to work off the mare's keep, Mr. Walling.
00:38:06At any job you say.
00:38:07Do you think I'd give a job to a horse killer?
00:38:10Throw him out, boys. I'll get the mare.
00:38:12You leave that mare right where she is, and I mean it.
00:38:15Yes, and I mean it too.
00:38:17Now you beat it.
00:38:18You fellas don't seem to understand. I'm staying.
00:38:34What is it?
00:38:36He wasn't lying.
00:38:37Well, don't just stand there.
00:38:39Somebody do something.
00:38:40There's clean sacks over there.
00:38:42In the tack room.
00:38:43Well, hurry up. Let's get him.
00:38:46Bring me those blankets, will ya?
00:38:49Take it easy, old gal.
00:38:51Come on.
00:38:52Come on.
00:38:53Come on.
00:38:54Come on.
00:38:55Come on.
00:38:56Come on.
00:38:57Come on.
00:38:58Come on.
00:38:59Come on.
00:39:00Hurry, gal.
00:39:03Over here.
00:39:09Take it easy, fellas.
00:39:10Step over that way.
00:39:11She's still pretty wet.
00:39:12Cover up over there, will ya?
00:39:13Catch a night, gal.
00:39:27Time to be here, and here he is.
00:39:29You're kind of quick on the trigger, son.
00:39:37What are you going to name him, Roy?
00:39:40I just did.
00:39:42It's Trigger.
00:40:00Hiya, fella.
00:40:02Go on.
00:40:03Go on.
00:40:29Go on.
00:40:53It's a big world, Trigger.
00:40:54And like Bambi, a little fella like you has a lot to learn before he grows up.
00:40:59Sometimes it's fun.
00:41:01Sometimes it's tough.
00:41:11What do you think you're doing?
00:41:19You better go on off and play.
00:41:21Go on.
00:41:25Go on.
00:41:26Go on.
00:41:27Go on.
00:41:28Go on.
00:41:29Go on.
00:41:30Go on.
00:41:31Go on.
00:41:32Go on.
00:41:33Go on.
00:41:34Go on.
00:41:35Go on.
00:41:36Go on.
00:41:37Go on.
00:41:38Go on.
00:41:39Go on.
00:41:40Go on.
00:41:41Go on.
00:41:42Go on.
00:41:43Go on.
00:41:44Go on.
00:41:45Go on.
00:41:46Go on.
00:41:47Go on.
00:41:48Go on.
00:41:49Go on.
00:41:50Go on.
00:41:51Go on.
00:41:52Go on.
00:41:53Go on.
00:41:54Go on.
00:41:55Go on.
00:41:56Go on.
00:41:57Go on.
00:41:58Go on.
00:41:59Go on.
00:42:00Go on.
00:42:01Go on.
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00:42:15Go on.
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00:42:19Go on.
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00:42:25Go on.
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00:42:29Go on.
00:42:30Go on.
00:42:31Go on.
00:42:32Go on.
00:42:33Go on.
00:42:34Go on.
00:42:35Go on.
00:42:36Go on.
00:42:37Go on.
00:42:38Go on.
00:42:39Go on.
00:42:40Go on.
00:42:41Go on.
00:42:42Go on.
00:42:43Go on.
00:42:44Go on.
00:42:45Go on.
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00:42:47Go on.
00:42:48Go on.
00:42:49Go on.
00:42:50Go on.
00:42:51Go on.
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00:42:53Go on.
00:42:54Go on.
00:42:55Go on.
00:42:56Go on.
00:42:57Go on.
00:42:58Go on.
00:42:59Go on.
00:43:00Go on.
00:43:01Go on.
00:43:02Go on.
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00:43:04Go on.
00:43:05Go on.
00:43:06Go on.
00:43:07Go on.
00:43:08Go on.
00:43:09Go on.
00:43:10Go on.
00:43:11Go on.
00:43:12Go on.
00:43:13Go on.
00:43:14Go on.
00:43:15Go on.
00:43:16Go on.
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00:43:19Go on.
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00:43:22Go on.
00:43:23Go on.
00:43:24Go on.
00:43:25Go on.
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00:43:27Go on.
00:43:28Go on.
00:43:29Go on.
00:43:30Go on.
00:43:31Go on.
00:43:32Go on.
00:43:33Go on.
00:43:34Go on.
00:43:35Go on.
00:43:36Go on.
00:43:37Go on.
00:43:38Go on.
00:43:39Go on.
00:43:40Go on.
00:43:41Go on.
00:43:42Go on.
00:43:43Go on.
00:43:44Go on.
00:43:45Go on.
00:43:46Go on.
00:43:47Go on.
00:43:48Go on.
00:43:49Go on.
00:43:50Go on.
00:43:51Go on.
00:43:52Go on.
00:43:53Go on.
00:43:54Go on.
00:43:55Go on.
00:43:56Go on.
00:43:57Go on.
00:43:58Go on.
00:43:59Go on.
00:44:00Go on.
00:44:01Go on.
00:44:02Go on.
00:44:03Go on.
00:44:04Go on.
00:44:05Go on.
00:44:06Go on.
00:44:07Go on.
00:44:08Go on.
00:44:09Go on.
00:44:10Go on.
00:44:11Go on.
00:44:12Go on.
00:44:13Go on.
00:44:14Go on.
00:44:15Go on.
00:44:16Go on.
00:44:17Go on.
00:44:18Go on.
00:44:19Go on.
00:44:20Go on.
00:44:21Go on.
00:44:22Go on.
00:44:23Go on.
00:44:24Go on.
00:44:25Go on.
00:44:26Go on.
00:44:27Go on.
00:44:28Go on.
00:44:29Go on.
00:44:30Go on.
00:44:31Go on.
00:44:32Go on.
00:44:33Go on.
00:44:34Go on.
00:44:35Go on.
00:44:36Go on.
00:44:37Go on.
00:44:38Go on.
00:44:39Go on.
00:44:40Go on.
00:44:41Go on.
00:44:42Go on.
00:44:43Go on.
00:44:44Go on.
00:44:45Go on.
00:44:46Go on.
00:45:17This is going to be the toughest thing I ever had to do in my life, Trigger, but she's hurt
00:45:32too bad.
00:45:33There just isn't anything else I can do.
00:45:40You understand that, don't you, boy?
00:46:11Just like I told you, Trigger, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's tough.
00:46:25You've got to take the breaks the way they come.
00:46:28Life is sort of like gambling.
00:46:31You can't always win.
00:46:32All bets down.
00:46:33Away we go.
00:46:34Double all.
00:46:35Place your bets, folks.
00:46:54All bets down.
00:46:55Place your bets, folks.
00:46:57We'll close at the same time.
00:47:06Come in, Mr. Kendrick.
00:47:09Sit down.
00:47:10Well, how'd it go tonight?
00:47:11About as usual.
00:47:12I didn't bring any money with me.
00:47:16I suppose you'll take my OU.
00:47:19I've never refused you yet, have I?
00:47:22I'll take care of them one of these days.
00:47:24I know you will, Mr. Kendrick.
00:47:26I know you're good for them.
00:47:30Well, how's everything at the ranch?
00:47:33All right, I guess.
00:47:34Let me get the door for you.
00:47:35Why don't you drop by to my place sometime?
00:47:40I have a few new horses I'd like to show you.
00:47:42Looks to me like you've done all right for yourself since you opened this place.
00:47:46Not bad.
00:47:47It's the necessary sideline.
00:47:48Ranch is my real interest.
00:47:49I'm getting a little crowded, though.
00:47:50I need more land.
00:47:51There's a lot of it around here.
00:47:53Mr. Kendrick, have you ever considered selling your ranch?
00:47:56Selling it?
00:47:58Me, sell the Golden Horse Ranch?
00:47:59You're crazy.
00:48:00Well, that place has been in my family for four generations.
00:48:01Oh, I'm sorry.
00:48:02But I'd heard that you hadn't taken quite as much interest in it lately since you, uh,
00:48:03since you lost the Golden Sovereign.
00:48:04I just thought...
00:48:05I still raise the finest palominoes in this country.
00:48:06Oh, I'm sorry.
00:48:07I'm sorry.
00:48:08I'm sorry.
00:48:09I'm sorry.
00:48:10I'm sorry.
00:48:11I'm sorry.
00:48:12I'm sorry.
00:48:13I'm sorry.
00:48:14I'm sorry.
00:48:15I'm sorry.
00:48:16I'm sorry.
00:48:17I'm sorry.
00:48:18I'm sorry.
00:48:19I'm sorry.
00:48:20I'm sorry.
00:48:21I still raise the finest palominoes in this country.
00:48:22That's right.
00:48:24Good night, Mr. Kendrick.
00:48:25Good night.
00:48:27Better luck next time.
00:48:51Couldn't be.
00:48:52It just couldn't be.
00:48:53You ain't the Sovereign's coat.
00:48:54It's a miracle.
00:48:55His name's Trigger, Mr. Kendrick.
00:48:56What are you doing here?
00:48:57I brought him to you.
00:48:58That thing?
00:48:59He is the Golden Sovereign's coat.
00:49:00Dad, I was so worried.
00:49:01I didn't...
00:49:02Good evening, Miss Kendrick.
00:49:03Get out of here.
00:49:04Take that animal out of here.
00:49:05Get out of here.
00:49:06Take that animal out of here.
00:49:07Get out of here.
00:49:08I'll kill you.
00:49:09Get out of here.
00:49:10Get out of here.
00:49:11Get out of here.
00:49:12Get out of here.
00:49:13Get out of here.
00:49:14You have to go.
00:49:15I'll kill you.
00:49:16I'll kill you.
00:49:17I'll kill you.
00:49:18Take that animal with you.
00:49:21I said he was yours, Mr. Kendrick.
00:49:23Seems to me you're taking pretty long chances, Mr. Rogers.
00:49:26You are a fugitive, aren't you?
00:49:28I'm willing to face whatever anyone's got against me.
00:49:31That's why I came back.
00:49:33I figured you were still convinced that I shot Golden Solid.
00:49:36So I thought the least I could do was raise his colt and deliver him to you.
00:49:40That? His colt?
00:49:43I wouldn't give that half-breed stable.
00:49:47All right, Mr. Kendrick.
00:50:09I've taken a lot off you, and now I'm going to have my say.
00:50:11Shut up and get out of here and take your half-breed with you.
00:50:14I will.
00:50:15And someday this half-breed, as you call him, is going to make you eat those words one by one.
00:50:19He's going to show up any horse you ever own, including your Golden Empress.
00:50:23Yeah, if you ever get out of jail.
00:50:26Satisfy a judgment of the El Dorado County Court against Mr. Roy Rogers for the sum of $150 owed to Mr. Henry L. Wallace.
00:50:35Under such authority is now offered at auction this Palomino colt.
00:50:40Go ahead, Al.
00:50:42All right, all right, all right, who'll start the bidding?
00:50:45Bid, bid, bid.
00:50:46What am I offering for this beautiful Palomino colt?
00:50:48What do I hear?
00:50:49What am I bidding?
00:50:55Who'll give $90?
00:50:56Do I hear $90?
00:50:59I give $90.
00:51:00Who'll give $100?
00:51:01How do you like that?
00:51:02Some guy bids $90 for a half-breed nag that ain't even worth $0.10.
00:51:07He's not even $0.10?
00:51:10Isn't he the son of gold and sovereign?
00:51:12That makes him just half a horse, which means he ain't worth his feed.
00:51:16Who wants half a horse?
00:51:19I bid $100.
00:51:21Mr. Kendrick bids $100.
00:51:24What are you bidding for?
00:51:28Who'll give $200?
00:51:32Who'll give $250?
00:51:33No use for us.
00:51:34We can't even make $150.
00:51:35What are we going to do now?
00:51:37Well, I just lost Trigger.
00:51:39Do I hear $250?
00:51:40Who'll say $250?
00:51:42$250, Mr. Kendrick.
00:51:43Is that for only half a horse?
00:51:45Well, I wasn't aiming on going any higher.
00:51:47I couldn't let Scoville get him, could I?
00:51:50$350, Mr. Scoville bids $350.
00:51:52Do I hear $400?
00:51:57I got $400.
00:51:58Who'll say $450?
00:52:00Do I hear $450?
00:52:01Are you all through at $400?
00:52:03Are you all done?
00:52:04Going once.
00:52:05Going twice.
00:52:06Sold to the man in the dark hat for $400.
00:52:17I got my money, Rogers gets some change back,
00:52:20and the stranger gets a nice horse.
00:52:22Looks like everybody's happy.
00:52:24Thanks a lot, Sheriff.
00:52:37Give him a hand.
00:52:46Thanks a lot, fellas.
00:52:47Always glad to help a stranger.
00:52:55Who is he, Dad?
00:52:56I don't know.
00:52:57I don't care.
00:52:58All I know is he just bought himself
00:53:00a half-breedin' egg for $400.
00:53:07Yes, and Mr. Rogers just lost his horse.
00:53:09I suppose that makes you happy.
00:53:10You bet.
00:53:11Let's go, kid.
00:53:13Dad, uh, there's some things I want to do.
00:53:15I mean, some things I have to pick up.
00:53:17Uh, would you mind getting the groceries?
00:53:19My shopping won't take long.
00:53:20OK, I'll meet you at the store.
00:53:23Yes, sir.
00:53:24And I don't mean a week from next Wednesday.
00:53:27Yes, sir.
00:53:46Well, here's your money, Rogers.
00:53:49You've got a legal right to the difference
00:53:51between what you owed Wallace and what your horse sold for.
00:53:56My luck sure has changed.
00:53:57Not only do I get out of jail, but I get paid for it.
00:54:01Who fixed it?
00:54:04Well, what difference does it make?
00:54:06The case has been dropped, and you're out.
00:54:09Goodbye, Rogers.
00:54:11I hope I won't see you again under these circumstances.
00:54:15What'd you find out, Bob?
00:54:17No luck, Roy.
00:54:18That guy that bought Trigger lives in Springdale.
00:54:20And all the boys could find out for sure
00:54:22is that his name is Davis and that he trucked Trigger
00:54:25out of town this afternoon.
00:54:27So now what?
00:54:29When is the next train to Springdale?
00:54:31About till 140 in the morning.
00:54:33I'll be there.
00:54:34I'll be there.
00:54:35I'll be there.
00:54:36I'll be there.
00:54:37I'll be there.
00:54:38I'll be there.
00:54:39I'll be there.
00:54:40I'll be there.
00:54:41I'll be there.
00:54:42Not till 140 in the morning.
00:54:44I'll be on it.
00:54:45In the meantime, I think I'll get a bite to eat
00:54:47and catch myself some sleep.
00:54:49Well, thanks a lot, Bob.
00:54:50And tell the rest of the boys goodbye for me.
00:55:00Tell me the tale that to me was so dear.
00:55:10Long, long ago.
00:55:15Long, long ago.
00:55:20Sing me the song I delightly do hear.
00:55:31Long, long ago.
00:55:35Long ago.
00:55:41Now you are gone.
00:55:45All my grief is removed.
00:55:51Let me forget that so long you have roamed.
00:56:02Let me believe that you loved as you loved.
00:56:14Long, long ago.
00:56:19Long ago.
00:56:32You know something, Susan?
00:56:34When you sing like that, I kind of
00:56:36get over being mad that you were her daughter instead
00:56:39of her son.
00:56:41Dad, look at that.
00:56:44You know something?
00:56:47Son couldn't do this for you.
00:56:50You've got something on your mind.
00:56:52What do you want this time?
00:56:55Dad, I've been thinking.
00:56:58If Roy didn't shoot the sovereign,
00:57:00you've done that boy a terrible injustice.
00:57:02I ain't never done nobody no injustice.
00:57:05He's a horse killer and a skunk.
00:57:08As far as I'm concerned, he can stay in jail till he rots.
00:57:11But he's getting out of jail, didn't you know?
00:57:13He's what?
00:57:14I'll call the sheriff.
00:57:16Wait a minute.
00:57:17Did you have anything to do with that, Susan?
00:57:21Well, in a way, yes, I did.
00:57:23What do you mean, in a way?
00:57:25Dad, in the first place, there was never any actual proof
00:57:27that he did it.
00:57:28Proof enough for me.
00:57:29I'll call Judge Ellis.
00:57:30You can't.
00:57:32I told the judge you wanted to drop the charge.
00:57:34You told him what?
00:57:36Dad, you had Roy arrested on purely circumstantial evidence.
00:57:39You took away everything that boy owned
00:57:41and made a fugitive of him.
00:57:42It isn't fair.
00:57:43Man, he had it coming.
00:57:45Well, personally, I don't think he ever shot the sovereign.
00:57:48Dad, if he had, he wouldn't have come back here
00:57:50to give you that coat.
00:57:53You're making a fool of yourself.
00:57:58You ain't never talked like that to your father before.
00:58:03Dad, I'm sorry.
00:58:05You don't know what this is doing to you.
00:58:08Your hatred of Roy has become an obsession with you.
00:58:12You're so embittered, it's dominating your whole life.
00:58:18Dad, you aren't the same anymore.
00:58:21Your interests have changed.
00:58:23You've neglected the ranch.
00:58:24You've gambled too much.
00:58:26Maybe so, Susan.
00:58:29Maybe so.
00:58:31Oh, Dad, I'm sorry.
00:58:33I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world.
00:58:35Forgive me.
00:58:36I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world.
00:58:38Forgive me.
00:59:06I'm sorry.
00:59:36I'm sorry.
01:00:03Come in.
01:00:06Hey, son, have you got any baggage to go to the depot?
01:00:08Nah, this is all the baggage I got.
01:00:10Well, you better get going because 140's due here in a couple of minutes.
01:00:13I'll make it all right.
01:00:14Well, don't say I didn't tell you.
01:01:55Watch it!
01:02:11Get that rope off of him!
01:02:13Cool off, bud, this ain't your horse anymore.
01:02:15It belongs to our boss over there.
01:02:18That's right, partner.
01:02:20But I thought that...
01:02:21It's a long story.
01:02:22Come over to the office and I'll tell you all about it.
01:02:24Get that horse back to the ranch and keep him out of sight.
01:02:27Come on over.
01:02:32Why all the red tape, Mr. Scoble?
01:02:34If you wanted Trigger, why didn't you buy him yourself at the auction?
01:02:37Because I didn't want anybody to know I had him until the proper time.
01:02:41Gabby Kendrick's been carrying off the honors around here too long.
01:02:44I spotted Trigger as a fine animal...
01:02:47...and figured on training him to beat anything that Kendrick had.
01:02:51That's what I'd hoped to do, Mr. Scoble.
01:02:54Kendrick called Trigger everything but a horse...
01:02:56...and I wanted to make him eat those words.
01:02:58Maybe you can yet.
01:03:01What do you mean?
01:03:03How would you like to go to work for me...
01:03:05...and take on the job of training Trigger?
01:03:09It's a deal.
01:03:10Sounds like the next best thing to own any myself.
01:03:13Son, you got yourself a job.
01:03:40Come on.
01:04:41Well, what do you think of it?
01:04:43I think that horse was running backwards.
01:04:45Any animal I own can beat that time.
01:04:47Would you like to make a bet?
01:04:49I ain't making no bets. Quit gambling.
01:04:51That's a lie.
01:04:53Well, you want to bet on it?
01:04:57Mr. Kendrick, you're a sporting man.
01:04:59I'll make you a sporting proposition.
01:05:01I'll make you a sporting proposition.
01:05:03I'll make you a sporting proposition.
01:05:05I'll make you a sporting proposition.
01:05:07I'll make you a sporting proposition.
01:05:09I have your I.O.U.s for half the value of your ranch.
01:05:12Is that right?
01:05:14I'll make you a deal.
01:05:16Double or nothing.
01:05:17If you win, you get your I.O.U.s back.
01:05:20If I win, I get your ranch.
01:05:23You mean you'd...
01:05:25I couldn't do that.
01:05:26That wouldn't be giving me a fair shake.
01:05:28I'm willing.
01:05:29I'm willing to run any horse I've got...
01:05:31...against any horse that you've got.
01:05:33Winner takes everything.
01:05:34Well, you asked for it.
01:05:36It's a deal.
01:05:37Okay, partner.
01:05:39Well, glad you could come by.
01:05:41Yeah, thanks.
01:05:42And I'll see you Monday.
01:06:07Very good, Susan.
01:06:08It's all right.
01:06:09How's she doing?
01:06:10Better by the minute.
01:06:1148 seconds flat.
01:06:12Yeah, I don't think we've got nothing to worry about.
01:06:14I just come from Scoville's ranch.
01:06:16You never did see such a terrible bunch of nags as he's got.
01:06:21How do you do this time?
01:06:22Getting better every run.
01:06:2348 seconds flat.
01:06:24If he's winning any faster, he'd have to have wings.
01:06:26Everybody's going to be surprised from that horse running in the race.
01:06:29I know one man in particular that's going to be surprised.
01:06:32I don't think so.
01:06:33We've got to have a direct approach.
01:06:35It's a couple of miles away.
01:06:37I really don't like how this place looks.
01:06:40Well, you're right.
01:06:41I'll get a horse at the Giraffe Ranch.
01:06:42I've got to make sure he's not enjoying the place.
01:06:44But if we don't get a horse, he's going to be very upset.
01:06:47I know one man in particular that's going to be surprised.
01:06:50Ha ha ha!
01:07:13Ain't a horse here that's fit to be in the same race with the Golden Empress.
01:07:20Well, it's up to you, kid.
01:07:23You've just got to win this race.
01:07:26Now haven't we won every year? Everything's going to be fine.
01:07:29Yeah, but it's more important this year.
01:07:33Susan, you're riding for the ranch.
01:07:36I bet the ranch will give them IOUs. I give school.
01:07:40Dad, you didn't.
01:07:41Oh, gone it.
01:07:42Mr. Kendrick, soon. Just now I entered him.
01:07:45It's a dark horse, and he's riding for Mr. S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-Honesty.
01:07:49Oh, talk sense, you blathering idiot.
01:07:52Who's riding what dark horse for who?
01:07:54Mr... Oh, Mr. Sc... Scobo!
01:08:01I knew you held a grudge, but I didn't think you would carry it this far.
01:08:04This is not a grudge, Miss Kendrick.
01:08:06I told your father I'd train this horse to beat anything the Kendrick Ranch has or ever has.
01:08:11I did. Today's the day I'll prove it.
01:08:13Did you have to prove it by making that horse a Scobo interest?
01:08:17Miss Kendrick, a year ago, I offered to give this horse to your father. Remember?
01:08:22He could have been your interest.
01:08:26Mr. Kendrick, looks like I put one over on you.
01:08:30Think so? Well, you listen to this, Mr. Scobo.
01:08:34I got a good horse here, and I'm still gonna win.
01:08:37Wouldn't like to make another little bet, would you?
01:08:39You're a darn tootin' I would. I'll bet anything I got on the Empress.
01:08:43Dad, don't you think you've bet enough already?
01:08:45This is just a side bet, Miss Kendrick.
01:08:54Yes, boss?
01:08:55You've been keeping this horse undercover for a whole year.
01:08:58Sure have.
01:08:59It's kind of a mean trick, Roy.
01:09:01I mean, racing the Kendricks with a colt that was sired right out of their own stock.
01:09:05They ask for it.
01:09:06This race means an awful lot to them, Roy.
01:09:08They lose it, they lose their ranch too.
01:09:11The old man bet Scobo the ranch against his I.O.U.
01:09:14That's not my fault. I don't owe the Kendricks anything.
01:09:17How can you say a thing like that after they got you out of jail?
01:09:20The Kendricks got me out of jail?
01:09:22Miss Susan did.
01:09:23She fronted for you at the magistrate and then fixed it up with her father.
01:09:27Why didn't you tell me this before?
01:09:29Miss Susan told us not to.
01:09:31Well, Rogers, we all set?
01:09:33I'm sorry, Mr. Scobo, but I'm not riding the race today.
01:09:36You're not riding? You're serious?
01:09:38Yes, sir.
01:09:39Well, you've got to ride.
01:09:40You know that horse wouldn't carry any other jockey even if I could get one.
01:09:44Do you realize what this will do to me if I scratch Trigger?
01:09:47I'll lose everything I've got in him, and that's some investment.
01:09:50I think I can make up most of your investment, Mr. Scobo.
01:09:53I've been saving my wages.
01:09:55Would you sell Trigger to me?
01:09:57He's not for sale.
01:09:59Wait a minute.
01:10:01Maybe we can make a deal.
01:10:03You like that horse, don't you?
01:10:05I sure do.
01:10:06All right, I'll give him to you.
01:10:08A gift.
01:10:10And all I ask you to do is ride and win.
01:10:13These gentlemen here are your witnesses.
01:10:16Is it a deal?
01:10:18Well, naturally, I want to own Trigger, but this is your chance.
01:10:21For winning the race, you get the only son of the Golden Sovereign.
01:10:24Yes, but without the papers to prove it.
01:10:28What proof do you need?
01:10:30You know that he's not the son of the Wild Stallion.
01:10:33What Wild Stallion?
01:10:35The one that has a fight with the Sovereign.
01:10:39What fight, Mr. Scobo?
01:10:41That morning on the range.
01:10:43Didn't you say something about seeing a Wild Stallion?
01:10:46No, I didn't.
01:10:48Well, that's funny.
01:10:49I thought you did.
01:10:51I must have heard it someplace else.
01:10:53Well, Roy, get out of the post and win, and the Trigger is yours.
01:11:00Boys, there was a Wild Stallion out there on the range the day the Sovereign was shot.
01:11:05And there was a fight between the two stallions.
01:11:08But how did Scobo know that unless he was there?
01:11:10Didn't you say you saw three men out there that day?
01:11:13And one of them was Scobo.
01:11:15Yes, and the other two could have been Hunter and Carson.
01:11:18Thanks for the tip, Roy.
01:11:20I think the boys and me better have a little talk with Mr. Hunter and Mr. Carson.
01:11:31You boys watch that tender girl on Golden Empress.
01:11:34If she gives Rogers too much competition, get her in a pocket and keep her there.
01:11:39You understand?
01:11:40All right.
01:12:00They're on their way to the post for the sixth race.
01:12:02A special race for stock horses.
01:12:04Number one is Fleetman of Scobolet.
01:12:06Number two is Desert Bloom.
01:12:08Well, they won't be long now.
01:12:10The second Scobolet.
01:12:11Five is Blue Boy.
01:12:12Six, Mare of Flush.
01:12:13Seven, Black Beauty.
01:12:15Eight, Lone Star.
01:12:16Nine, Sundown.
01:12:17Ten, Footloose.
01:12:18Eleven is Golden Empress, ridden by Miss Susan Kendrick.
01:12:22And the last minute Scobolet, we trigger number 12, ridden by Roy Rogers.
01:12:27There they go.
01:12:30Firefly takes the lead on the rail by two-eighths.
01:12:33Number one, Fleetman of Scobolet moving up on the outside a minute.
01:12:36Then it's Golden Empress, Trigger, Black Beauty, Lone Star, and Sundown.
01:12:40They're going into the first turn.
01:12:42It's still Firefly by two-eighths.
01:12:44Second is Fleetman by two-eighths.
01:12:46Then Golden Empress, Trigger, Black Beauty, Lone Star, and Sundown.
01:12:49Get up there.
01:12:50Come on, Golden Empress.
01:12:52They're rounding the turn, and here comes Trigger, moving up fast on the outside.
01:12:56Trigger has passed Golden Empress, and he's still moving up.
01:13:00Trigger passes Fleetman and Firefly.
01:13:02It's Trigger in the lead by two-eighths.
01:13:04Firefly, second.
01:13:05Fleetman, third.
01:13:06And Golden Empress on the race now.
01:13:08Get over.
01:13:09I'm coming through.
01:13:10Move over.
01:13:11Let me through.
01:13:12Who's stopping you?
01:13:15Look at them two heels.
01:13:16They've got shoes in their pockets.
01:13:17What are you trying to do, killer?
01:13:19I've got you.
01:13:24Golden Empress is trying to get through on the island, and Rogers and Trigger have moved
01:13:28far out into the lead.
01:13:30Let me through.
01:13:31Oh, Trigger's race now.
01:13:32In second place, it's Fleetman, Firefly, Trigger, third.
01:13:36But Rogers is pulling up on Trigger.
01:13:38What's the matter with Rogers?
01:13:39He's pulling up.
01:13:40I'll say he is.
01:13:41Looks like he's got his feet on the dashboard.
01:13:44Hey, move over and let her through.
01:13:46Try and make it.
01:13:47OK, you asked for it.
01:13:48Golden Empress gets through on the race.
01:13:51There you go, Susan.
01:13:53There you go.
01:13:54Now they're going into the far turn.
01:13:56Golden Empress has the lead, but Trigger is moving up.
01:13:59It's Golden Empress and Trigger.
01:14:01Golden Empress on the rail.
01:14:02Trigger moving up on the outside.
01:14:03They're turning for home.
01:14:04Golden Empress holding that lead.
01:14:06Trigger moving up relentlessly.
01:14:08Golden Empress and Trigger.
01:14:10Trigger is coming up beside Golden Empress.
01:14:12They're almost neck and neck.
01:14:13It's Golden Empress in front, still by a head.
01:14:15And now they're driving for the finish line.
01:14:17It's Golden Empress by a head.
01:14:18They're head and head.
01:14:19It's Golden Empress on the rail.
01:14:21Trigger on the outside.
01:14:22And Golden Empress wins by a nose.
01:14:24Oh, yeah, we've done it.
01:14:26Yep, we've done it.
01:14:28That race should have been two yards longer.
01:14:30Yeah, but it wasn't two yards longer.
01:14:32Yeah, you're still at a loss if Rogers hadn't have pulled up to break up that pocket.
01:14:36Yeah, some folks ain't never satisfied.
01:14:38Oh, applesauce.
01:14:39Come on.
01:14:45All I can say is thank you.
01:14:47I know it cost you the race.
01:14:49It cost me a lot more than that.
01:14:52We'll start off even the next time.
01:15:00THE END
01:15:10Thank you, friends.
01:15:11I'm almost as proud to have you all with me tonight as it was to win that race today.
01:15:16Let's cut out the talking and do a little eating.
01:15:20I'm hungry.
01:15:25Everybody's having a good time, I hope.
01:15:27Oh, yeah, we're having a fine time.
01:15:30I just thought I'd drop around, pay my respects.
01:15:32Nobody can say that Scoville can't take it.
01:15:34Sure, glad to hear that.
01:15:36Ain't you, Bob?
01:15:37Yeah, sure am.
01:15:39Well, I'll be seeing you later.
01:15:43Scoville, I'm arresting you.
01:15:45Arresting me?
01:15:46What for?
01:15:47Horse killing.
01:15:48For shooting the Golden Sovereign three years ago.
01:15:50Why, you're crazy.
01:15:52I don't think so.
01:15:53I have two of your men, Hunter and Carson, locked up.
01:15:56And they did a bit of talking.
01:15:57That's a lie.
01:15:58Oh, no, it ain't.
01:15:59They talked all right.
01:16:00You better come with me, Mr. Scoville.
01:16:02All right, Sheriff.
01:16:05But I'll clear this up in a minute.
01:16:09Well, Roy, a lifetime with an old codger like me is liable to make a lot of mistakes.
01:16:16I'm asking you to forget all that I've done to you.
01:16:20Forgotten, Mr. Kendrick?
01:16:23Come on.
01:16:24Got a little something to show you.
01:16:32Do you mean that you own him, Mr. Kendrick?
01:16:35You own him.
01:16:38See, I had a little side bet with Scoville.
01:17:00There he is.
01:17:02How come you got here?
01:17:04Well, I'm here.
01:17:05I never get here.
01:17:06I guess there's something unusual.
01:17:08There is unusual.
01:17:15Looks like I'm just in time.
01:17:17Well, here, hold this.
01:17:30Take it easy, old boy.
01:17:31We've never lost a father yet.
01:17:34No, we haven't.
01:17:55That's a girl.
01:17:56That's a good girl.
01:17:57Quiet now, quiet now.
01:17:59Quiet now, old girl.
01:18:08It's a boy!
01:18:18It's another boy!
01:18:19It's a boy!
01:18:26Wait until Trigger sees this.
