• 6 years ago
These are the craziest experiments ever from inhumane shock therapy to the grossest doctor ingesting yellow fever vomit. \r
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Number 5\r
You will obey!\r
The American public is no stranger to having their naivety preyed upon by charlatans and con artists, but they usually dont expect it from a medical doctor. Thats why one doctor wanted to see just how much they would obey and turned them into the experiment themselves and proved innocent do gooders to be secret cold blooded murderers. Yale university researcher Stanley Milgram made people sit in a room and call out phrases, to which an or who was in cahoots with him sat in another room trying to memorize them and call them back. As time went on, he would begin getting them wrong to which the unsuspecting person pressed a button and gave him a shock. As the intensity rose, they were told “The experiment requires that you continue… even when the or was screaming in terror and agony. The people then surprisingly obliged even up to the hefty amount of 450 volts, and even after the or that they thought was an innocent test subject grew silent and unresponsive… and apparently dead. Even more disturbingly, when volunteers could neither see nor hear feedback from the learner, compliance with the order to give ever greater shocks was almost 100%. \r
Number 4\r
Will the real Jesus Christ, please stand up?\r
Its simple really, take three men who all believe they are the Son of God, force them to live together for two years.. and they will all realize theyre not the messiah right? Blasphemy!! In 1959, asocial psychologist wanted to test the strength of self-delusion.. so he did just that. In hopes that the men would realize their lack of diety by confronting each other, the doctor got more than ge bargained for. One man correctly assumed the other two were mental paitents… while another thought his two twins were being controlled by robots. The three also often argued until things became physical and were unable to turn the other cheek. Ultimately the three were even more convinced at the end of the two years of their assumed identities and things were called off. \r
Number 3\r
Shocking Childhoods\r
Researchers have attempted for the longest time to understand the behaviors of children, and sell millions upon millions of books doing so. Names like Dr. Spock arent just for star trek in this case, but theres one researcher whose methods, while commonly known in pop culture, is probably not the first to come up in conversation on the subject of shock therapy.\r
Enter, Doctor Lauretta Bender. Bender believed that she had devised a revolutionary way of combating childhood schizophrenia, and decided to test this method by simply outright abusing young children. Among the most common methods employed were interviewing sensitive children in front of large groups and then applying a slight amount of pressure to their heads… if the child moved, Bender concluded that they obviously had schizophrenia. Being a childhood victim of abuse herself, she would feel no sympathy as she shocked the kids… even reportedly having conducted her wretched experiments on children as young as 3 years old.\r
Number 2\r
Military mayhem and Government Gonzos!\r
Our government is no stranger to bizarre experiments in their own right, and the downright hideous s of medical malprice are not just reserved for researchers. In 1943 the government exposed their own sailors to mustard gas, in the 50s they released mosquitoes infected with yellow fever into major metropolitan areas, in the 30s they began testing syphilis on poor people and slaves in the south and Guatemala.. the CIA exposed unwittingly inoocent people to LSD for decades in secret tests for mind control purposes and brainwashing.. and the list goes on and on. It just has to make one wonder…. What are they doing today?\r
Number 1\r
Elephants on Acid\r
We end our list where we began.. talking about animals and the just plain zany things that people do to them. In this case, researchers at an Oklahoma zoo thought it would be best to take 3000 times the amount of LSD that a normal person can handle, and stick it into the rear end of a male elephant named Tusko. The researchers later claimed that they were testing to see if it would invoke the titanic trunk swinging pachyderm to madness in order to study a common behavior that the males suffer… though last time I checked, there werent a lot of elephants taking LSD.\r
Nonetheless, things almost immediately went bad as Tusko staggered around for a few moments and then fell over. An hour later Tusko was dead.. and the Oklahoma zoo was out one elephant. This same experiment was concluded years later where two elephants were given the dose in the


