• 6 years ago
Dissolving Dogma Beliefs About Money\r
Music: \r
There Are Many Misconceptions Regarding Wealth Money And Abundance. Negative Held Beliefs Close And Restrict The Pathways For Cont. This Video Serves You In Dissolving The Dogma That Has Prevented You From Easily Creating And Having Wealth. There Is No Better Time Than Now To Easily\r
Demonstrate Unlimited Money Supplies, \r
Infinite Intelligence Is Only Designed To Send You Your Good If It Has Failed To Arrive Then Some Adjustments In The Thinking Process Has To Be Corrected, A True Frequency Match Between You And Source Is Usually Whats Needed. \r
There Are No Short Affirmations Only Long Phrases And Or Sentences Are Voiced And Because Of The Long Duration Of Each One There Is No Room To Fit Them Here In The Description Box Nor Into The Visual Portion Of The Video. Due To This Video Be It Extremely Powerful The Wording Will Not Be Given Out. Allow Yourself To Trust Yourself To Create And Have Wealth Money And Abundance During The Economic Adjustments. Be Grateful For All Good Works. \r
Blends Well With Audio/Videos Of Prosperity. \r
Try It For 21 Days And See If It Works For You\r
Listening Instructions- Minimum Twice Per Day\r
Just Listen Headphones Not Required\r
After A Few Times Of Listening Pleasure You Will Begin To Feel Good About Feeling Good For No Apparent Reason You Are A Sender Receiver Creating A Cosmic Order Your Signal Goes Forth When Source Receives A True Match It Sends It Back To You This Is What Alignment Is.\r
Wealthy People Are Wealthy Because They Dont Let Negative Thoughts Dogma Belief Systems Of The Status Quo Enter In That Would Sabotage Their Pathways To Riches. Money Is A Means To An End And Not A Ending Of Sorts. The Over All Intention Of MONEY MAGIQUE Is To Reverse At Least 99 % Of All Popular Sabotaging Beliefs Regarding Wealth Into A Positive Intent.


