Bounce house blown onto highway with boy inside

  • 6 years ago
ADELANTO, CALIFORNIA — A California boy is lucky to be alive after surviving a fall onto a highway from a runaway bounce house.

THe child's family had rented the structure for a party. It's unknown if the bounce house was secured, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Sgt Marc Bracco of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department told the Times it was probably a freak accident, caused by strong winds.

NBC News reports the bounce house was blown around a quarter mile from the home and onto a highway. Law enforcement said it rolled onto the road and then the child fell out.

The 9-year-old boy was taken to hospital, but escaped with minor injuries. Sgt Bracco told the Times that the boy "got lucky."

The bounce house next struck a sedan. Police say the driver was "shook up", but uninjured.


