Why are girls in a MP govt hostel walking 4 km to use toilet?

Hindustan Times

by Hindustan Times

Girl students of a government hostel in Madhya Pradesh's Damoh district are walking four kilometres every day - to be able to use toilets. The hostel is located in Madiyadoh village, about 60 km from the district headquarters. Acute water scarcity in the district has forced the girls to undertake this journey as the hostel has toilets but no water. Students say they are either late or miss out attending classes all together because of the commute. PTI quoted the hostel warden as saying that senior district officials had been informed about the problem on several occasions, but there is no change in the situation. However, after the media highlighted the issue, Damoh's district collector said that efforts are being made to dig a new bore-well in the hostel and solve the problem.