How did you celebrate #EarthDay in #TimorLeste? From the beaches of Dili to Mount Ramelau and other places around the country, Timorese and non-Timorese joined

  • há 6 anos
How did you celebrate #EarthDay in #TimorLeste? From the beaches of Dili to Mount Ramelau and other places around the country, Timorese and non-Timorese joined together to help clean up and educate communities about protecting the environment. Thanks to Lorosa'e English Language Institute (LELI), Environmental Activities (ENVAC), and several others for doing your part to keep Timor-Leste's lands and waters clean. Please watch this video from another group of Timorese youth activitists - 3R Timor-Leste - and share your Earth Day photos and comments!
Oinsa imi selebra loron Rai iha Timor-Leste? Husi tasi ibun iha Dili to Ramelau no fatin seluk iha nasaun ne'e, Timor oan no ema husi rai seluk hamutuk ajuda hamo'os no eduka komunidade sira konaba protesaun ambiente. Obrigadu ba LELI, ENVAC no sira seluk tan ne'ebe halo ona imi nia parte hodi prezerva Timor-Leste nia rai no be'e mo'os nafatin. Favor haree video husi grupu ida Ativista Timor oan-3R Timor-Leste no labele haluha fahe mo'os imi nia foto no komentariu husi Loron Rai nian!


