Japanology Plus: Collection 1 Host Peter Barakan visits experts in various fields to show Japanese culture from a new perspective.
Sweets and Snacks
The last three decades or so have seen the estimated value of Japan’s market in sweets and snacks increase tenfold to an astonishing 3.5 trillion yen per year. The convenient catchall Japanese term used to encapsulate such items is okashi. As well as globally ubiquitous favourites like potato chips, cookies, and chocolates (albeit often with a Japanese twist), the category also includes a host of indigenous treats (or wagashi) with a history going back several centuries.
Sweets and Snacks
The last three decades or so have seen the estimated value of Japan’s market in sweets and snacks increase tenfold to an astonishing 3.5 trillion yen per year. The convenient catchall Japanese term used to encapsulate such items is okashi. As well as globally ubiquitous favourites like potato chips, cookies, and chocolates (albeit often with a Japanese twist), the category also includes a host of indigenous treats (or wagashi) with a history going back several centuries.