One Minute Solution For Tight Shoulders - With Pressure Points

  • 6 years ago
One Minute Solution For Tight Shoulders - With Pressure Points

Do you have tight shoulders from a long day or week at work? Try our one minute solution for tight shoulders. Listen in to our video to find out how.

Body Works Sports Physiotherapy
233 West 1st St #420
North Vancouver, BC V7M 1B3

This is Dana Ranahan from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy and I want to show you a little exercise today. Do you get tight shoulders at work and wish you had something you could do about it? Quick solution is to grab a little ball. This is a pressure point ball that we use in the clinic. You could also use a tennis ball or something like that that’s more easily to find at the store and we’re going to use the ball to do a little bit of release work though our chest because very commonly we get tight in our PEC muscle. It runs this way in the chest. We’re on the computer mousing, we’re driving, various things, chopping vegetables, these muscles tend to get quite tight. So grab your little tennis ball or pressure point ball and we’re going to find a piece of wall and I like to do it neat the edge of the wall like a corner, if you can, it’s easier on your neck and we’re going basically put pressure into the chest area here into the wall and a lot of times we think about rolling out tightness like self massaging, but sometimes what’s more helpful is doing just a pressure point and holding the point to let the muscle let go. So if I hold into a tight spot, it’s often tender but shouldn’t be very killing me, it’s just a little bit tender until the muscle relaxes and then I can find a couple points, tight spots, where I’m going to release it first with pressure and then do a little bit of a rolling around to kind of massage myself a little bit. So it should take 30 seconds to a minute or so to do a little release now and it should feel like it opens up my mobility here. So if you want to improve your mobility, give this quick exercise a try at home or at work and if you need more information, check out our website at


