Hai kali ini shinta bermain imagine ink disney frozen, mainan ini seru lo, di dalam buku ini sudah terdapat gambar gambar tokoh disney frozen 24 halaman di tambah imagine ink pen. Nah gunakan imagine ink pen nya untuk mewarnai gambar gambar di halaman sesuai intruksi. Dan ajaib lo gambarnya bisa muncul keren lo, jadi kita bisa bermain dan belajar, seru kan belajar menggambar menggunakan imagine ink disney frozen. Ok deh langsung saja kita bermain.\r
music: YOUTUBE Audio Library\r
HI! This time Shinta will be playing Disney Frozen Imagine Ink, this toy so very good, in the book have many pictures are 24 pages with imagine ink pen. The picture are frozen disney charers. To use the imagine ink pen is for colouring the pictures appropriate instruction. And magically, the picture was might appear , that Cool! so we are can play and learn, the better learn to draw using disney frozen imagine ink. Ok lets we start to play
music: YOUTUBE Audio Library\r
HI! This time Shinta will be playing Disney Frozen Imagine Ink, this toy so very good, in the book have many pictures are 24 pages with imagine ink pen. The picture are frozen disney charers. To use the imagine ink pen is for colouring the pictures appropriate instruction. And magically, the picture was might appear , that Cool! so we are can play and learn, the better learn to draw using disney frozen imagine ink. Ok lets we start to play