반도체 효과로 3월 수출물량 다시 증가
The nations export goods index rebounded,... thanks to strong semiconductor exports.
According to the Bank of Korea,... it jumped 3-point-4-percent on-year in March,... ending the falling trend which began in November.
Terms of trade on the other hand... dipped for the fourth month in a row due to a sharp rise in import costs.
The BOK added the terms of trade index came to 97-point-7-7 last month,… down 1-point-9-percent from a year earlier.
The index measures the amount of imports a nation can purchase for each unit of goods exported,… to show the relative performance of its exports.
The nations export goods index rebounded,... thanks to strong semiconductor exports.
According to the Bank of Korea,... it jumped 3-point-4-percent on-year in March,... ending the falling trend which began in November.
Terms of trade on the other hand... dipped for the fourth month in a row due to a sharp rise in import costs.
The BOK added the terms of trade index came to 97-point-7-7 last month,… down 1-point-9-percent from a year earlier.
The index measures the amount of imports a nation can purchase for each unit of goods exported,… to show the relative performance of its exports.