• 7 years ago
The point of the video is to inspire others to investigate and create their own historical video because we the people are responsible for our own history we can not trust our government to educate our children. I'm glad I put out the first video that one vid let me know what people were looking for and the questions they had so I put the most important answers in this small 3 min video. If people want to argue about Sheriff Joe's investigation into the Computer fraud that was used all you have to do is point them to the time and date of Negro to African on birth records plus the person who stamped the birth records @ the time say they didn't make OBAMA's birth record. You have all this info as shown on top of the computer fraud part of the investigation Joe's Posse team did. This should also be an example of what law enforcement should do when people sell you out. I hope that someone or local law out there will do what Joe did on things like this. Don't BE AFRAID! People also wonder why dwell or keep going on about this. It's because (you may know) however, this world is full of people who never knew a damn thing and our wonderful leaders are great @ hiding it just look at OBAMA's fake ass birth record. People really have no clue and to ask someone that post political post and don't want you to post a thing about Joe or OBAMA's fake ass birth record means they are trying to cover up criminal activity and that, I can't be a part of. So if this kind of government criminal activity bugs you I'm sorry, get a life or grow some balls and live free!
