• 7 years ago
"A woman sits lonely on her bed in a dark, small room, preparing for a peaceful night's sleep. Suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her chest and realizes it's going to be her last night. But this does not sadden her and a sudden wave of vaguely touchable memories lightens up her face. She smiles spontaneously. His face becomes as vivid as it was all those years ago, when she could feel his warm breath and delicate touch. She knows she will be with him again soon, without any pain, saddness or separation. She knows that true love lasts forever. With a smile on her face she goes to sleep, from which she will not awaken, until she is with him once again...."

Official band website: http://www.basicdesire.net
Producer: http://www.henrykubik.com
Basic Desire on FB: http://www.facebook.com/basicdesire
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/paulinacaine
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/basicdesire
