• 7 years ago
It's DJ Loose's birthday! Panzee wonders what DJ would like to do for his birthday and Zak decides to ask DJ himself. DJ says what he really wants to do is sing. Zak knows he can help with that, so he picks DJ up and piggybacks him through the jungle, back to the clubhouse.

The ZingZillas rehearse DJ Loose's special birthday song Hangin' Loose - they all play and DJ sings. It's a great song and they are all pleased with it. There is only one thing missing - the ZingBoppers!

In the glade, DJ meets up with the ZingBoppers, who agree to dance in his birthday song. Before they can dance, they have to learn the dance moves. DJ teaches them to pretend they're playing the saxophone, the trumpet and the trombone. When the ZingBoppers have practised these moves, DJ thinks they're ready to put them to music - just in time for the Big Zing!


