• 7 years ago
Panzee asks Todd for a musical style for the Big Zing. Todd asks the machine, but it goes haywire, spitting out musical style after musical style. Eventually the ZingZillas give up. In the glade, the ZingZillas are gathered with their instruments. Panzee says they need to think of a song and there is a cough behind them. They turn to see Granite and Gravel, who announce that they would like to sing their song. The ZingZillas happily play along while Granite and Gravel sing, but when they have finished Granite and Gravel aren't happy. They didn't like the musical style that the song was sung in. Zak rushes in with Todd's enormous piece of paper with all the musical styles the machine printed out earlier. Now they can choose a style that will suit the Granite and Gravel song. They try thrash metal, bossa nova and reggae. Granite and Gravel like reggae best. Gravel suggests that they all bogle to the beat. He explains that bogelling is a type of dance for reggae music. Zak says that everyone must bogle to the island beat!

