Top 5 - Bollywood Movies that influenced Tourism
5 Indian movies that has heavily Affected Tourism sector
In the 2018 Ficci Report its mentioned about how tourism gets affected by a film. And it will surprise you that some of its impact is almost as big as its worldwide total collection or sometimes even more. So many countries offer special perks for bollywood directors to come and shoot in their country and sometimes they even pay for them to shoot in their country.
Today @ SImbly Chumma we are going to talk about 5 Indian movies which heavily influenced the Tourism Sector
before We enter the top 5, We make videos on diverse topics but all pertaining to INDIA and upload not less than 3 videos a week. So if you havent subscribed yet, please do so. And if you have press the bell icon to get notification of our latest videos.
5 Indian movies that has heavily Affected Tourism sector
In the 2018 Ficci Report its mentioned about how tourism gets affected by a film. And it will surprise you that some of its impact is almost as big as its worldwide total collection or sometimes even more. So many countries offer special perks for bollywood directors to come and shoot in their country and sometimes they even pay for them to shoot in their country.
Today @ SImbly Chumma we are going to talk about 5 Indian movies which heavily influenced the Tourism Sector
before We enter the top 5, We make videos on diverse topics but all pertaining to INDIA and upload not less than 3 videos a week. So if you havent subscribed yet, please do so. And if you have press the bell icon to get notification of our latest videos.