11 WEIRD Animal Attacks

  • 6 years ago
From a snake and centipede death match … to crocodiles taking on ELEPHANTS … here are 11 Weird Animal Attacks\r
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Snake Charmless\r
A snake handler in Queensland got a call he may wish he never answered. A snake handler named Andrew Smedley was called to remove a serpent from a house … and it turned out to be a massive python! While pythons arent venomous, they can still inflict a lot of damage with their bite … A point made all to clear to Mr Smedley. While attempting to maneuver the reptile to a greenhouse, a battle between man and reptile ensued … during which the man was struck some 10 times before finally being subdued. As you can see from Mr Smedleys pictures, it was a hard fought victory … and a bloody one! The python delivered deep lacerations to the snake handlers arms. After publishing pictures related to the struggle online, Mr Smedleys pride may have been injured, too. Several commentators took exception with how he handled the serpentine situation. \r
Lucky Day\r
A photographer took pictures of an epic standoff between a leopard and a warthog at Kenyas Masai (muh-sai) Mara national Park. Peter Thompson was only 20 feet away as the two animals squared off. The pregnant leopard had been stalking the warthog, before the prey turned around to confront the big cat. Mr Thompsons effort provides some amazing scenes from the encounter. At some points, the pregnant leopard seems to be flying in the air with her limbs outstretched, like wings. She is ually a well known animal at the park, named ‘Bahati (ba-HAH-tee), which is Swahili for ‘Lucky. The warthog was anything but lucky that day … after toying with her prey, the leopard made a final leap and pounced on the beast to finish him off. Mr Thompson said the tense standoff lasted about two minutes … and took place in complete silence.\r
Rodent v Reptile\r
When you think of squirrels, the image of a bloodthirsty beast doesnt necessarily spring to mind. But the little critters can be aggressive if the situation demands it. This picture shows a squirrel that appears to be facing off with a golden snake, possibly a cobra … at least thats what we think. While we couldnt authenticate this picture, we can tell you about an encounter between a squirrel and a snake that was documented: An African squirrel attacked a snake -- and ended up eating it! While the little rodents are usually content with eating nuts and seeds, they can turn carnivorous … even eating smaller rodents. In this case, the squirrel was ravenous enough to go after a young snake. The two creatures hissed and bit at one another, as the battle went back and forth. The squirrel managed to bite enough chunks of the snakes flesh that it was left bloodied. The reptile tried a last ditch effort to coil about the rodent and suffocate it … But the squirrel struggled free and went on consume the still-living reptile.\r
At a game reserve in South Africa, a crocodile seemed to develop a taste for elephant. The 16 foot reptile, nicknamed “Jaws” was lurking below the surface of a river … as a herd of 11 elephants stopped there to drink. As one adult pachyderm dipped its trunk into the water, the croc suddenly clamped ahold of it! But a fellow pachyderm came to his friends aid … and charged the big reptile, forcing it to loosen its hold. The encounter lasted about 20 seconds. While known as deadly predators, crocodiles arent usually known to take on adult elephants … in this case, the beast stood around 8 feet tall and was estimated at around 10 times the size of the croc. Experts say that crocodiles have been known to attack smaller elephants … chances are it didnt realize it was attacking an adult animal.\r
Would you rather bet on two fangs or 100 legs? Thats a reference to a bizarre incident in Macedonia involving a snake and a centipede. A nose-horned female viper was discovered with a centipede that had burst its way out of her stomach. The animals were both found dead on Golem Grad, which is also known as Snake Island. Researchers think the 20 centimeter reptile likely underestimated the size of the insect … and paid dearly for the mistake. The fully grown insect was 15 centimeters long, almost the size of the juvenile snake … but was still thought to have been swallowed whole, and alive. The centipede, known as a fierce predator, proved to be the vipers last meal.
