Elementar.io - 1.15 Million Score - The Ice Beam Barrage (Ice Element)

  • 6 years ago
When playing Elementar.io, Diep.io is the first .io game that comes to mind, as Elementar.io has very similar elements (no pun intended) to Diep.io in regards to upgrades, abilities and stats.\r
In Elementar.io, there are 3 different elements to choose from: The Fire Element, the Ice Element and the Grass Element (Or red, blue and green if you must). Each element has 4 unique defensive abilities and 14-16 different weapons (in total. I said 15 in the video but Im still unsure), starting with 2 different branching paths. The maximum level is 50. Compared to Diep.ios 45, you also have 49 stats upgrades instead of 33, but in Elementar.io, the maximum stat level is 10 instead of 7.\r
Gaining this sort of score wasnt on my first attempt. It took about 100, and gaining over 1 million score is still a great achievement after about 1 hour and 40 minutes of playing in this single run. This is a highlight and gameplay video of what went down in the game.\r
This is a very interesting .io game, and I wonder how Elementar.io will be developed in the future.\r
Stats: 8/10/0/10/3/3/10/5\r
Upgrade Path: Double Spike / Spike Gun / Ice Beam\r
Defensive Ability: Frost Shock\r
Visit for upcoming .io games!\r
Free songs to use:\r
Ethan Meixsell - Heavyweight (Track 1)\r
Everet Almond - Next Funk (Track 2)\r
Ethan Meixsell - Demise (Track 3)\r
Ethan Meixsell - The Fiery Furnace (Track 4)
