Having children is selfish

  • 6 years ago
Usually people believe, that having children is a morally good choice, but they are wrong. The best parenting tip ever: don't have kids. However, if you decide to have a baby, admit that it was a selfish choice.

All my videos in chronological order:
00:03What the fuck is wrong with the people
00:06who think that giving birth to a child
00:08Is one of the best things they can do to this world
00:10and that their children should thank them for it?
00:13No matter from which angle you look at this,
00:15it does not seem to be a universally good thing.
00:18It might be a useful thing for you personally,
00:21or simply something you want to do,
00:23but not a good thing in itself.
00:25From a historical point of view people had children as an insurance policy.
00:29If you make let's say... 10 babies,
00:32there is a high chance that at least some of them will survive until you get old and they will take care of you.
00:38Of course you have to indoctrinate them and force them to believe,
00:41that they must respect their parents, follow their rules and take care of the elderly.
00:46Luckily you have a lot of time for that and infantile minds are very malleable.
00:50As bonus points you get cheap labor.
00:52Of course you have to feed them and house them, but you have to do the same thing with slaves.
00:57Except you save money on chains and whips
00:59and avoid the burden of gardening them so they would not escape.
01:02Well... given the fact that you didn't fail on the indoctrination task.
01:07And paid labor was even more expensive.
01:09Remember, we are talking about old days,
01:12when raising a child was cheaper than hiring someone
01:14and industrial machines did not yet exist.
01:17So from the historical perspective having a child was clearly a selfish decision
01:22and it had nothing to do with some moral goodness.
01:24These days situation is a little bit different.
01:27We have better insurance policies than making a bunch of babies.
01:30We have pensions, saving accounts, social security and whatnot.
01:34We have cheaper ways to get stuff done as well.
01:37We have machines, computers, robots and people in poor countries.
01:40So there is no clear economical incentive to make babies anymore,
01:44But there is another huge selfish reason instead:
01:47We are bored.
01:49Of course we have endless variety of toys that we can buy in a shopping mall
01:53including phones, computers, house appliances, musical instruments, clothes, sex toys
01:58and all the other stuff, that I cannot even think of right now.
02:01However, after a certain amount of time,
02:03all that stuff tend to become boring
02:06and people begin to want living toys.
02:08For some people it is enough to get a cat or a dog or even a snake,
02:12but others go all the way and make their own personal human being.
02:17Again, it is clearly a selfish reason that leads us to making babies and not a moral one.
02:23If we look from environmentalistic perspective,
02:25We should acknowledge that there are 7.4 billion people in this world and counting.
02:31Every single one of them contributes to climate change by breathing
02:34and most of them by buying and using stuff that either pollute the earth,
02:38or at least the process of making them does.
02:41And this is only climate change.
02:43What about other types of pollution, habitat destruction,
02:46negative impact on ecosystems on a local and global scale
02:49and all the other negative influence on the environment?
02:52Every new human being that we decide to make
02:55worsens the problem for all the existing people and for all the other living beings on this earth.
03:01So from the environmentalistic perspective
03:03not only there is no good moral reason to make babies,
03:06but there is a good moral reason not to make them.
03:09But what if we don't give a shit about environment and derive our morals from religion?
03:14Well... if you don't make a baby, there is no chance for it to go to hell
03:19and if you do make a baby, there is at least a small chance that it will eventually go to hell.
03:24And in reality there is quite a big chance for a person to go to hell.
03:28If you don't get baptized - you go to hell.
03:31If you become an atheist - you go to hell.
03:33If you commit some sins and don't apologize for them - you go to hell!
03:38And I am sure there are more ways to go to hell that I'm not aware of.
03:41Since going to hell is not a good thing,
03:44making babies is not a good thing either.
03:46Actually, the only way to guarantee that a baby will go to heaven instead of hell,
03:51is to baptize a baby and kill him straight away,
03:54before he is able to commit a sin or become an atheist.
03:57Unfortunately that way you yourself would go to hell,
04:00but hey... isn't sacrificing yourself for the sake of others what a true believer should do?
04:05So once more...
04:07From a religious perspective making a baby is not a morally good thing to do,
04:11unless you are prepared to kill him soon after his birth.
04:14Okay, so... what about philosophical perspective?
04:17Well... if you bring a person to this world,
04:20you guarantee that he will have at least some bad experiences in his life
04:26and will feel bad at least occasionally.
04:28And making someone feel bad and live through shitty situations is not a morally good thing.
04:34Especially when that person had no say in this
04:37and the only option he is left with is to shut up and live with it.
04:40And pretend that he likes this situation otherwise things might get even worse.
04:46Okay, okay, okay, okay,
04:47but what about all the good things in life that unborn children are missing?
04:52You see, unborn children don't exist,
04:55so they cannot be missing anything.
04:58There are no non-existent people wishing to exist,
05:02because non-existent people do not exist by definition.
05:07However, there are quite a few existing people, who wish to not exist.
05:12So, nope, philosophically speaking, making a child is a crime against that child
05:17and definitely not a morally good thing.
05:20But what about our biology?
05:23Animals make babies, and we are animals too,
05:25so shouldn't we make babies as well?
05:28You see, animals don't make babies for moral reasons.
05:31Sex gives pleasure and babies come afterwards as a side effect.
05:35Then parenting instinct kicks in and voilà!
05:38We have new babies without any moral reasoning involved.
05:42And we shouldn't forget, that in some cases animals eat some of their babies,
05:47so if we derive our morals from animal kingdom,
05:50we should at least admit, that eating babies is also a morally good thing.
05:54Maybe parents should eat their babies and be proud of that instead?
05:58What is it I hear you saying?
06:00Screw you, I'm going to have a child anyway?
06:03Well, I didn't expect to persuade you not to do selfish things you want to do.
06:08We are selfish creatures and we do selfish things all the time.
06:13I mean, if you really want a living toy
06:16and a dog is simply not good enough for you
06:19and you don't care about bringing suffering to another human being
06:23and worsening the situation for all the other human beings and animals on this planet,
06:27probably nobody is going to convince you not to do that.
06:31Just don't pretend that you're doing something at least remotely altruistic,
06:36because you're not.
06:38And don't expect your children thanking you for all the suffering you entailed,
06:42unless your indoctrination skills are rock-solid.
06:45In that case leave a comment below and convince me that I'm wrong,
06:49or simply share your favorite children recipes or something...
