★ 如何處理魷魚 和 味菜炒鮮魷 — 做法 ★| How to Prepare Squid and Fried Squid with Pickled Vegetables Recipe

  • 6 years ago
張媽媽【味菜炒鮮魷】,色彩繽紛,魷魚彈牙,很配鹹酸菜。 記得like我的Video同訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。 \r
MamaCheungs stir fry squid with pickled vegetables, a great dish with rice. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.\r
『電鍋焗雞』做法 Rice Cooker Chickenrecipe:\r
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材料 Ingredients:\r
五百克魷魚 500g squid\r
兩片潮州鹹酸菜 2 slices pickled vegetables\r
半隻西紅椒 1/2 red bell pepper\r
兩棵唐芹 2 celery\r
三粒蒜頭 3 cloves of garlic\r
兩片薑 2 slices of ginger\r
一個紅蔥頭 1 shallot\r
兩隻紅椒仔(不是必要)2 chili (optional)\r
調味料 Condiments:\r
一茶匙糖 1tsp sugar\r
一湯匙魚露 1tbsp fish sauce\r
一湯匙紹興酒 1tbsp Shaoxing wine\r
一茶匙生粉加一湯匙清水 1tsp starch in 1tbsp water\r
適量麻油 sesame oil\r


