秋元薫 (Kaoru Akimoto) - 1986 - Cologne [full album]

  • 6 years ago

01 - Beginning - 00:00
02 - ナルシスト [Narcisist] - 00:55
03 - Dress Down - 05:40
04 - Two Call - 10:13
05 - 夜が終わる時 [Yoru ga owaru toki / When the Night Ends] - 14:21
06 - 嘆きのPuzzle [Nageki no - / Puzzle of Grief] - 19:43
07 - 我がままなハイヒール [Wagamamana haihīru / Indulgent High Heels] - 23:30
08 - 今日はひとりき [Kyō wa hitoriki / Today I'm Alone] - 28:36
10 - 月夜 [Tsukiyo / Moonlight] - 32:37

Disc Issue Info
Year: 1986 (original pressing)
Catalogue Number: VDR-1172
Media: CD
Album Dynamic Range value: 14 (Good)


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The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!