矢野顕子 (Akiko Yano) - 13 - 1989 - Welcome Back [full album]

  • 8 years ago

01 - It's For You - 00:00
02 - しんぱいなうんどうかい // Field Day [Shinpaina undōkai / Worrysome Sports Day] - 06:43
03 - みのりのあきですよ // Autumn Song [Minori no aki desuyo / Fruitful Autumn] - 09:45
04 - 悩む人 // A Worried Girl [Nayamu hito / Suffering People] - 13:12
05 - ほんとだね // It Will Take A Long Time [Hontoda ne / True that] - 18:01
06 - How Beautiful - 22:16
07 - かぜのひきかた // How To Catch Cold [Kaze no hiki kata / Catching a Cold] - 23:48
08 - Hard Times, Come Again No More - 30:20
09 - Watching You - 34:01
10 - Little Girl, Giant Heart - 39:04

Disc Issue Info
Year: 1989 (original pressing)
Catalogue Number: 32MD-1048
Media: CD


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The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!