• 6 years ago
All rights to "Stairway to Heaven" go to Led Zeppelin and Warner Chapell
Written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.

Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix2Y0gOKUmU

Clues for the next song to be covered:
Band - A certain girl trapped in a very specific way
Song - A person of a certain gender inside a typically cardboard structure
Can you guess it?

Check out my band, Vermis:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VermisPoland
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VermisBandLodz/

Equipment used:

Audio Interface:
Roland Quad Capture UA55

Cubase 5

Dean Explosion Razorback
SGR Solo 6 (by Schecter)
Randall RG 13
Chaos Effects Noise Killer (copy of ISP Decimator)
Reverb and other effects from Cubase 5

Custom no-name bass borrowed from a member of my band - killer tone!

Roland TD3-KV VDrum set
Superior Drummer 2.0

The t.bone SC 600
Reverb and other effects from Cubase 5

Video Editing:
Sony Vegas Pro 12.0

Please don't hesitate to contact me for any questions on equipment, sound, etc.
