Cum sa faci un Big Mac acasa | How to make the perfect homemade Big Mac

  • 6 years ago
Sigur iti place Big Mac, tuturor ne place, acesta este si motivul pentru care astazi iti voi arata cum sa faci un Big Mac acasa. Probabil te intrebi de ce? Pentru ca e mai sanatos, gustul va fi cel autentic si e simplu de facut.
Sa incepem cu sosul de Big Mac, vei avea nevoie de parti egale de ketchup si maioneza si jumatate din cantitate de mustar, secretul consta in ceapa taiata fin. Amesteci ingredientele si gusti din cand in cand, mai adaugi ce este nevoie.
Carnea de vita trebuie facuta cat mai subtire pentru a replica Big Macul original de la McDonald's si in video gasesti si ordinea ingredientelor pentru a face Big Macul.

Ingrediente Big Mac:
- carne de vita tocata
- cascaval
- chifle
- sosul Big Mac
- salata iceberg
- ceapa
- castraveti murati
- sare
- piper

You love the Big Mac, everybody loves it, this is the reason why today I'll show you how to do the perfect homemade Big Mac. Why would you do it? It's healthier, you will end up with the original taste and it's easy to do it.
Let's start with the Big Mac sauce, you will need equal parts of ketchup and mayo and about half of that amount of mustard.
The secret of the sauce is finely chopped onion. You mix the ingredients and taste the sauce until it's the real deal, if you need more mayo, ketchup, mustard or a pinch of salt you add it.
The beef patty needs to be thin to replicate the original McDonald's Big Mac and you will find in the video the order of the Big

Mac ingredients.

Big Mac Ingredients:
- ground beef
- cheese
- buns
- Big Mac sauce
- iceberg lettuce
- onion
- pickles
- salt
- ground black pepper
