• 7 年前
影片連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoFjdmNLuCQ&list=LLBDIRbHfAli5JfJB73uJe7g&index=51
原影片名稱: "Automne" (Autumn)
Check out this beautiful short called "Automne" (Autumn) as in the workshop of the seasons, Autumn takes place near the scale model of the Earth, and using his tools, he must move his season on the planet! For more information, please see the details and links below:

模板, 創作: Yann Austin
索具3D動畫”Marie Briand
概念藝術 模板:Cécile Fauchie
概念藝術 整體設計:Louise Flatz
視覺藝術 材質: Helene Letourneur
CG動畫: Marina Saunier
音樂: Nicolas Marie-Santonja
音效設計: Charles Remy

這部動畫是在LISAA巴黎製作管理和動畫技術培訓下製作的動畫, 了解培訓更多的信息請看:bit.ly/LISAA-AnimProd
A film made in the context of training in production management & digital animation techniques at LISAA Paris,
Learn more about the training: bit.ly/LISAA-AnimProd


