• 7 years ago
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Wakan Short Film by ISART DIGITAL - Brenda Bulut, Thomas Campos, Théo Coriton, Marion Debrick, Nina Gannier, Antoine Gillet, Alix Putier and Clémentine Sergeant. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net

When the sun sets on a small native American village in the middle of a forest, two children, Aiyanna and her brother,Tawa, are playing hide and seek. From the edge of the village, the young girl is lured away by a furtive blue light into the mystical forest. To save his sister, Tawa must venture deep into the heart of the spirit world….

3D Animation: Brenda Bulut, Thomas Campos, Théo Coriton, Marion Debrick, Nina Gannier, Antoine Gillet, Alix Putier and Clémentine Sergeant

Music and Sound Design: Lou-Angel Bourdeaux, Vito Coquet, Alvynn Diagne, Rebecca Laubin and Elissa Mleiel

ISART DIGITAL, the video game and 3D animation / VFX School. https://www.isart.com/en/

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CGMeetup is the #1 inspiration resource for all CGI, VFX, 3D and Digital artists. We feature a wide variety of CGI content including behind-the-scenes, vfx breakdowns, short films & showreels.

CGMeetup also serves as networking resource for CGI Professionals. Professionals use CGMeetup to exchange ideas, knowledge & job

CGI Animated Short Film "Wakan" by ISART DIGITAL | CGMeetup

