Please watch this video and tell no one.

  • 6 years ago
Before you say that I am crazy, just watch the full video that I did and check the video link below of this.

Abbey Arthur, goes by on twitter, AbbeyA, has started up a scam, claiming that she has cancer. She fake everything from the paperwork to the photos that she stolen from different websites. She used to work for a wrestling news website (Not Wrestling Heads, which I am part of, but TopRopePress) and part of a podcast (AngryMarks).

I am letting you know that I had blocked her twitter account before this situation happened. I don't know if she said anything inappropriate to any of the wrestlers I am a fan of.

A twitter user/youtuber goes by Drama Llama of Truth has expose her and there have some who came at Abbey's defence, but there are those who know what is going on. As a warning to anyone who made contact her is to ignore her by blocking her. To those who are in her area, please take the evidence from Drama Llama on both their video on YouTube and twitter posts and contact police.

Here is the video from Drama Llama of Truth:

Also, Drama Llama of Truth's Twitter account:

Please know that I am very upset about this that someone who would fake this. I have some family members had different types of cancers and three years ago, I would lost one of my favorite wrestlers, Tim Donst, who almost had kidney cancer, but it was caught before it took his life.

Please share this video and Drama Llama's if you can.

For those who are defending her, please stop. You are making it worse.


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