Systematic Thinking and Learning with Glenn Capelli

  • 16 years ago
Systematic Thinking and Learning with Glenn Capelli's Empowerment Institute

Glenn Capelli is an expert educator in Thinking and Learning Skills. He was awarded a prestigious Churchill Fellowship, which he used to further his research into better ways of thinking and learning.

Glenn's award-winning television series 'Born to Learn' aired weekly to over 26 million households throughout the USA. He is also the author of 'The Thinking Learning Classroom' and the creator and presenter of the 'Dynamic Leadership Thinking' program and the 'Thinking Innovation' model.

Glenn's clients range from CEOs of global corporations to small and medium enterprises across a wide range of industries.
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Glenn pitched his presentation at exactly the right level for his audience, and they warmed to him immediately. He was able to present a very serious message in such a fun way that people greatly enjoyed the learning process. The anecdotes were relevant and sensitive. One participant told me afterwards that she had seen only ever seen two presentations that affected her life profoundly, and this was one of them.


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